Courtesy of The Community Archive
From: "vijay kumar" <>
Date: Tue Jan 16, 2001 7:04am
PAY $US 5,000 FOR A PHS?
I am Indian and permanent resident of Japan. I applied for PHS 64K data card to DDI
Japan last month in Chiba through a computer shop. I gave the copy of my gaijin card
and other documents to salesman as they demand and fill up an agreement form. Salesman
asked to wait for one hour.
After two hour a guy from DDI yamashita (Shinsa kan) called at computer shop and
said the DDI is not interesting to sale theirs products to Gaijins. This guy told
me I must submit a deposit of Yen 500,000 ($US 5,000) first to buy a PHS of DDI.
Any advise??? Vijay
From: Cornelia Kurz <>
Date: Wed Jan 17, 2001 10:43pm
Subject: Re: [Community-J] DISCRIMINATION BY DDI
I have a Kyocera PHS telephone that I bought at BIC camera which is operated by DDI
without more than a 20 minutes wait. So maybe this "policy" doesn't apply
to mobile phones? I don't understand what the problem could possibly be. What are
they being paranoid about now?
From: "Imtiaz A. Chaudhry" <>
Date: Thu Jan 18, 2001 2:51am
Subject: Re: [Community-J] Re: DDI Discrimination
we can understand that Dave is too much busy. Dave please keep good work and update
us regularly.
Regarding Vijey PHS issue I can appoint someone to work on this issue but facts are
not clear.
1-Why DDI refused this guy?
2-The name of shop and a phone # *My home in chiba and can investigate this case
3- DDI phones and unpaid bills etc?
4-Blacklist with any credit card company in Japan
I need detail and then will ask to DDI.
Of course DDI involved to sell customer data to Data bank and in 1998, An Australian
called UMJ head office and reported the DDI forward his data to a data bank in Japan
and he is black list gaijin now through Japanese data bank record. According to this
person DDI could not provide the service which promised on agreement. DDI PHS did
not work in saitama ken rural area which promised by DDI shop. And he never used
this PHS or did not made any call from this PHS. He asked to DDI to cancel his account
and DDI refused it without net cash payment with cancellation charges and threat
him for legal action and said that they will forward his data to Japan data bank
I have the contact information of this man. Anyway DDI is UGLY company in Japan and
theirs behavior to foreigners is bad.
Looking Forward, Imtiaz Chaudhry
From: Cornelia Kurz <>
Date: Thu Jan 18, 2001 4:27am
Subject: [Community-J] DISCRIMINATION BY DDI
Maybe there is something that I don't understand either. What is a PHS 64K data
card? What can it do? Why does it have to be purchased through/in conjunction with
a mobile phone company?
This new thing mentioned by Chaudry is VERY INTERESTING. Up until now the common
gossip had it that the banks in Japan did not share credit information about their
clients, and that this was precisely one of the reasons why the credit card system
is so cumbersome. (Unlike in the USA where there are 2 or three major credit information
agencies which all the banks refer to when assessing new credit risks.)
On the subject of different mobile phone companies treating foreigners differently,
I finally figure out that none of the PHS phone companies offer English language
interface on their phones. Only some of the Keitai companies encourage it. NTT
DoCoMo is one of them. I am trying to compile more info on this subject if anyone
can help regarding the company they are using. Please send me an email directly.
From: Adrian Tanner <>
Date: Thu Jan 18, 2001 10:50am
Subject: Re: [Community-J] DISCRIMINATION BY DDI
I use a J-Phone (keitai) which came with English language manuals and features a
bilingual display. I found the staff to be very helpful and their literature states
that foreign customers are welcome, provided they have a 'gaijin card' valid for
at least three months (perfectly reasonable). To be fair, only some of the phone
models have the English manual and bilingual display but there are several available
at low cost.
Regards, Adrian Tanner, Asahikawa, Hokkaido
From: "vijay kumar" <>
Date: Thu Jan 18, 2001 6:16am
Subject: Re: [Community-J] Re: DDI Discrimination
Thank you all,
>1-Why DDI refused this guy?
Because I am black or redlist in DDI record I paid my old PHS bill one month late
from due date in 1997.
Actually my mother died in India in fall 97 and left Japan in emergency without paying
my dues like phone, electric, gas and apartment rent after two months back to Japan
and paid all dues with my apologies to these companies. I told the story to Yamashita
(shinsa-kan of DDI) and he said this is crime to go outside without paying DDI bill
and if you want to buy a PHS then must pay money and death certificate of my mother
because you are a black or redlist gaijin.
>2-The name of shop and a phone # *My home in chiba and can investigate this
case well*
will send you privately. This shop is a nice computer shop and they are kind to Gaijins.
>3- DDI phones and unpaid bills etc?
NO UNPAID BILLS. I am property holder in Japan.
>4-Blacklist with any credit card company in Japan
NO AND NEVER, All major cards are in my pocket.
Mr. Chaudry you are absolutely right, Yamashita said they are online with many data
banks and exchange information with these databanks who provide black and redlist
gaijin data to us.