Courtesy http://jrecin.jst.go.jp/
”Ô† A102080188@
ŒöŠJŠJŽn“ú 2002”N08ŒŽ08“ú@
ƒ^ƒCƒgƒ‹ Position Announcement@
ŠT—v Positions to be filled: 2 Full-time English Instructors
Deadline for Application: September 30, 2002
City: Hiroshima City, JAPAN
Name of Institution: Hiroshima Shudo University
Term of Contract:
One-year contract, starting April, 2003
Renewable twice, if agreeable to both parties
Teaching 10 classes of English a week, plus office hours
of 10 hours a week
Salary: 4,800,000 a year
As set by the Rules and Regulations of Hiroshima Shudo University: Travel expenses
to and from Hiroshima / Rent-free fully furnished university apartment provided (utilities
not included) / Research allowance up to a maximum of \413,000 a year@
‹@ŠÖ–¼ Hiroshima Shudo University@
‹@ŠÖŽí•Ê Ž„—§‘åŠw@
ŠÝ’n 731-3195 L“‡Œ§ L“‡ŽsˆÀ²“ì‹æ‘å’Ë“Œˆê’š–Ú‚P”Ô‚P† @
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EŽí English Instructors@
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lˆõ 2 @
Œ¤‹†•ª–ì l•¶‰ÈŠw@English@
Qualifications: Native speaker of English@
M.A./M.Ed. in ESL/EFL or equivalent in education or experience@
•åWŠúŠÔ ”NŒŽ“ú - 2002”N09ŒŽ30“ú@
’…”CŽžŠú 2003”N04ŒŽ01“ú@
‰ž•å‘—Þ Application Materials Requested:
CV with a photo; Copies of B.A.and M.A./M.Ed Certificates; Selected publications,
if any; Recent medical report; 5-minute taped recording of applicant's views on teaching
English, including a self-introduction; One letter of recommendation
Contact Name, Address (in case of queries):
Personnel Affairs Office, Hiroshima Shudo University, 1|1|1, Ohzuka-Higashi, Asaminami-ku,
Hiroshima, 731-3195, JAPAN
Fax: (082)830-1325 E-mail: toyada@shudo-u.ac.jp
Application materials to be received not later than September 30th by Dr. Masanori
Kodama, President, Hiroshima Shudo University, 1|1|1, Ohzuka-Higashi, Asaminami-ku,
Hiroshima, 731-3195, JAPAN
˜A—æZŠ 731-3195 L“‡Œ§ 1|1|1, Ohzuka-Higashi, Asaminami-ku@
’S“–ŽÒ–ðE Personnel Affairs Office, Hiroshima Shudo University,@ ’S“–ŽÒ
E-Mail toyada@shudo-u.ac.jp@
TEL --@
FAX 082-830-1325@
“Y•t‘—Þ(Image) A102080188-01.DOC@