School of International Cultural Relations
(From JALT's The Language Teacher Magazine, May 2001, p. 43)
Sapporo--Hokkaido Tokai University School of International Cultural Relations
invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position as
assistant professor or lecturer in English beginning
September 1, 2001.
Qualifications: MA or a higher degree in the field of applied linguistics, communication
theories, or English language studies.
Salary: Based on the scale of Tokai University Educational system and age.
Application Materials: Send the following documents to the address below, indicating
in red "Application for Faculty Position" on the envelope; curriculum vitae
with a photo attached: a set of copies of official transcripts for uinversity work:
list o publications with the contents briefly described; a written statement for
future plans while in the position described above (1000 words in English); a brief
statement on the role of university education.
Other Information: Applicants are expected to have a command of Japanese sufficient
to manage some administrative duties. Courses taught would include communication
(oral and written), theories of langauge, communication, seminars, graduation theses,
English and other subjects that may be requested by the university.
Deadline: June 20, 2001. A reply to successful candidates will be made in mid-
to late-July.
Contact: All documents should be sent via registered mail to: Associate Professor
Takuya Yoshimura; School of International Cultural Relations, Hokkaido Tokai University,
5-1-1-1 Minamisawa, Minami-ku, Sapporo, 005-8601, Japan (yoshimura@di.htokai.ac.jp,
FAX 80-11-571-7879.