Courtesy http://www.jalt-publications.org/tlt/jobs/
#0020 - Nagano-ken

Job Description: Nagano Prefectural (two-year) College is seeking to employ a foreign native speaker of English starting April 1, 2003.

Job Details: Position: Associate professor (jokyoju) or Assistant professor (sennin koshi). Field of specialization: Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Duties: Teach 5 or 6 classes a week in English Communication, English Writing, Listening Comprehension, Cross-Cultural and Comparative Culture studies. The successful applicant has the same rights and duties as Japanese staff and will be required to participate in faculty meetings and committees. Qualifications: Native speaker of English, Japanese language proficiency, career-minded, and Masters' degree or equivalent in any of the above-mentioned or related fields. The successful applicant should live in Nagano City or in the suburbs of Nagano City. No age limits are specified. Term of contract: 3 years renewable. Salary & Benefits: Working conditions, such as status, salary, allowance, and mutual benefits (kyosai), basically follow the rules as the regular Japanese faculty members. Application Materials: curriculum vitae, list of publications with attached abstracts of approx. 100 words in English or 200 words in Japanese, offprints or copies of main publications and articles, summary of research activities and future hope, and a summary of the applicant's hope for future educational activities. Summaries should not be more than 2,000 Japanese words or two A4 pages, double-spaced typescript in English). You may also attach materials showing accomplishments in the field of English language education such as academic activities, societies, and/or institutions. One letter of recommendation and the names and addresses of the two references is also required. Please send all documents in Japanese if possible and mail to: Professor Hiroyuki Kamij, President of Nagano Prefectural College, 49-7, Miwa 8-chome, Nagano-shi, Nagano-ken, 380-8525 Japan. Send all documents to this address by registered mail with "application for the position of foreign English teacher" in red ink on the envelope. An interview will be given after the documentary screening, if necessary. All application and screening expenses are paid by the applicant.

Deadline: October 31, 2002

Contact Details: Contact: For further information contact: Professor Yoshio Takanashi, Nagano Prefectural College. Tel: 026-234-1221. Fax: 026-235-0026.