Letter from Tony Laszlo's lawyer Kitamura Yukio to publisher Akashi Shoten Inc demanding a meeting and threatening a lawsuit for "violation of copyright, invasion of privacy, and libel".  At the meeting which transpired in late August 2004, Laszlo demanded that Arudou Debito's book JAPANESE ONLY cease publication and be pulled from store shelves.  That did not happen.  Letter is dated August 13, 2004.
More on the historical relationship and the suppression/deletion of historical archives concerning ISSHO Kikaku's activities here.
Laszlo using his byline in Magazine Shukan Kin'youbi to make a public call for somebody to help him deal with "violation of copyright" for allegedly Issho.org materials.  We dispute that claim here.


(From Tony Laszlo's Weekly Magazine "Shuukan Kin'youbi" Column April 18, 2003:
His byline takes the opportunity to make public call for help for dealing with
a "recent publication using copyrighted materials without permission")

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