(The original forum for this information was Issho
Kikaku. Please note that Issho Kikaku is NOT A PARTY to this lawsuit,
and reference herein to Issho Kikaku should not be construed to assume that Issho
Kikaku has any stance in these matters. Disclaimer
"kokusai rikai kyouiku fouramu", original promo flyer on it at
JAN 31, 2000, 6:30 PM TO 8:45 PM
Attendees were:
Issho Kikaku BENCI Project
Exclusionary onsens management
Otaru City Government
Otaru U of C exchange students
Coordinator: Funatsu Hideki, Former Chair, Otaru U of C International Center
About 80 people were in the audience. Press Coverage was heavy, with all the major
non-economics-focus newspaper dailies plus Kyodo, and at least NHK, UHB, and HBC
TV stations attending. It was a good gathering. Pity about how things would turn
This email is organized thus:
We at Issho Kikaku BENCI were kept in the dark about the specific proceedings of
the Forum, finding out only on the day of the event (having fortitudinously gone
there some hours early) that there were going to be surprises.
One surprise was that, despite promises to the contrary from the managers of the
two exclusionary onsens (see Jan 3 2000 report),
one onsen, Yunohana, refused to come. Reason was Yunohana's dislike for the Forum
coordinator, Funatsu-sensei (who had strongly and vocally opposed the exclusionary
policies at the Nov 5, 1999 city-international group meeting with the onsens), apparently
thinking him a biased coordinator. Osupa, the second onsen, had also turned down
the invitation, but later relented when Funatsu visited the manager, Mr Ohkoshi,
and promised he would be neutral.
The second surprise was the unorthodox format. There would be three rounds to this
Forum. In Round One, exchange students from several countries would take eight specially-marked
THE PRESS, and EXCHANGE STUDENT, then would give their respective viewpoint.
Round Two would involve the real actors in this drama, people like Osupa's Ohkoshi
and myself, to take a seat that was *not* ours. We would have to give viewpoints
that were not our own and walk in another person's shoes. Then Round Three would
enable us to speak our minds and get an exchange going.
Other surprises included... well, you'll see.
I then turned to Mr Ohkoshi and with a seated bow to the table thanked him for coming
today. For with him all by himself and no Yunohana must be uncomfortable and lonely
(hitori botchi). Just remember that Otaru City has proposed rules which once-exclusionary
Panorama Onsen adopted three months ago. When I bathed there Panorama said there
had been no incidents or altercations at all. Please open your doors so that I can
enjoy your baths like everyone else.
I was coming down from the adrenaline so my memory thereafter is a temporarily skimpy.
But after Funatsu made another ten minutes of summary remarks, the mike was opened
for 20 minutes to the public. A South African minister in Otaru noted how he has
to go out of town for a bath if he wants one with his family. Another Russian (?)
with excellent Japanese was very indignant at being turned away very brusquely in
the past. Other older Japanese Otaru residents made mostly anti-onsen points (one
saying he doesn't like Russians much, but knows that that sentiment shouldn't apply
to every foreigner), expressing shame for how far this has gone and why the city
hadn't done something earlier.
Oh, and somewhere along the line Osupa's Ohkoshi gave his prepared speech--essentially
that if Osupa opens its doors it will be bankrupted. He cited as justification the
Osupa surveys showing more than half of their bathers surveyed wanted exclusionary
That sparked. One of my friends, a tall, bearded, boomingly barrel-chested man who
has been in Japan since the early 1970's, stood up to the mike (and later again from
his seat) to blast Ohkoshi for carrying out such a biased survey. Copies of it were
passed out to the audience, and my friend Mr Barrel demanded Ohkoshi read out question
two: "What things would make you feel worried about foreigners if we admitted
them? (tick as applicable: language barriers, theft, weapon-toting, narcotics-toting,
bawdy behavior, hygiene, unextinguished smokes, bad bathing manners, violence, something
else (please elaborate here)".) Ohkoshi obliged, and Mr Barrel said, inter alia,
"There is no way for people to answer that they are NOT worried by foreigners.
You see, your survey only confirms your prejudices."
Time was short. Funatsu then drew things to a close with another five-minute speech
calling very clearly for onsen doors to be opened and an anti-discrimination jourei
passed. He asked when the city might sponsor a more proper public forum on these
subjects. Bureaucrat Satou took five minutes in classic mawari-kudoi bureaucratic
fashion to say the city had no plans. With that, the Forum was over.
But it was not over. As I was exchanging meishi with sympathizers, I noticed that
the TV cameras were swarming around Ohkoshi's panel chair. Two people, both Mr Barrel
and another friend I'll call Mr Dapper were quite loudly dressing down Ohkoshi for
the survey and for his audacity at claiming these results were in any way indicative
or provided justification. I was out of earshot, but the effects were soon clear.
Ten minutes later, Ohkoshi got up in disgust and strode out of the auditorium alone
with all the cameras trailing.
Be it divine providence or whatever you want to put it down to, there was an opportunity
for damage control. Ohkoshi had forgotten his coat and had to return inside. I went
up, shook his hand and would not let go. I then put my arm around him as we walked
to his coatrack, saying:
"Ohkoshi-san, taihen otsukaresama deshita. It took real guts for you to come
here alone like this. I respect that. I am sorry that this forum ended up with everyone
attacking you and you alone. I do not want this to affect relations between you and
me when we work together to find a solution to this problem."
The cameras were again swarming around us, focusing on our backs, on our faces. To
give them the sense of drama they craved, I released Ohkoshi's hand and let him take
his coat. But after that Ohkoshi did not move--we just stood there as the cameras
darted back and forth like tennis spectators to catch our mutual expressions across
the divide.
As furious as he could be at the whole world, but clearly not at me (hell, I think
he knew I had worked hard to tsukiau him, moreover never targeting him or his onsen
by name in my speeches), Ohkoshi suddenly softened, locked his eyes on me, and said,
"I don't think the real problem here is the surveys."
I said,"The real problem here is the attitudes of unforgiving Otaru citizens.
We will have to work on that."
He slung his coat under his arm. "Let's have a bath and a beer sometime."
I said I would be honored (although I did wonder where we would bathe). And with
that, he continued his stride outside refusing all interviews and disappearing into
the night.
I know this sounds like Norman-Mailer style egotist journalism, but this *really*
did happen, and it was in my opinion a very bad ending to a rather mediocre meeting
of the minds.
"This Forum was truly awful for us journalists," one of my newspaper
friends said. "Except for the mayhem at the end, there was no real debate, despite
what this Forum had promised us. Only people stating opinions and arguments that
we already knew." If TV cameras were rolling, fine--they get the drama of the
shout match. For the print media, my friend said, "it was a waste of time."
The record concurs. Only the Feb 1 Asahi and Hokkaido Shinbun reported on the Forum (the latter
with a photo), while as far as I know neither Mainichi or Yomiuri bothered. Feb 1
morning TV news, predictably, played it up, but I didn't catch the angle--I was by
then driving up to Asahikawa and covering a different case.
"Dave, of course Dapper & Barrel got angry. What did you expect? They
were deeply insulted by that rotten survey and the press is latching onto the results.
You want they should have held it back? What good would have that done?" said
my friend Mike on our way up to Asahikawa.
Actually, yes, I believe holding it back would have done a lot of good. For reasons
I cannot fathom (I cannot tell whether it is just a curious cultural conceit or else
a devious attempt by the media to deligitimize the pushy outsider), Japanese TV loves
to broadcast angry gaijin. Baseball-bloopers perennially show, if they show any foreigner
at all, the foreign batter getting hit by a pitch and then charging the mound. Some
years ago, when pop star Matsuda Seiko's New York lover Jeff showed up in Japan to
cash in on steamy details with a book, the press broadcasted Jeff flying off the
handle when a reporter asked him to apologize to her (we never heard much from Jeff
again). And oh, what ratings TV program "Koko Ga Hendayo, Nihonjin" gets
as long as Terry Ito (incidentally, a producer of the show) keeps riling up the screaming
gaijin! I have also noticed how interviewees in Japan, even if they spend an hour
speaking calmly and only a minute with their guard down and their dander up, that
unmasked minute is likely to be the bit broadcast--because it is more noteworthy
and somehow indicative of character. (That is why the Japanese geinoukai have such
carefully-cultivated masks and public personae, but I am still ruminating on this
whole theory for the time being so don't jump on me yet.)
My point is that with all his years in Japan, Mr Barrel by now should have known
better. The influence of Hollywood here notwithstanding, courtroom-style outings
of the truth just don't seem to work in Japan unless Japanese themselves do it in
their own inimitable style. Accompanying Mr Barrel was a Japanese friend with the
tenacity of a insurance saleslady; she should have been the one serving the survey
riposte. Instead, the end result (and this is a sad fact of life even in this day
and age in Japan) was that the image coming across was of a wild bearded foreigner
fingers at Japanese. Not only does this reaffirm this as a foreigner-vs-Japanese
issue (instead of resident-vs-resident), but it also proves after all just how frightening
foreigners are. That was the feedback I got from my contacts in the media.
This awry bit had nothing to do with the differing cultural appraches to stressful
situations. Funatsu, who enticed Osupa back with the promise of neutrality, eventually
turned out to be just the opposite, especially towards the end with his speeches.
I will admit: it was a guilty pleasure indeed watching Funatsu make Osupa, the mass
media, and the city squirm with his very direct questioning (even showing the whole
world just how unwilling the city is to take this any further from further forum
into resolution). Had he been a panelist there would even have been no guilt.
But I believe that was not his role. As I am a frequent host of debates in Japan
(around six times a year nowadays), I can relate that it is indeed excruciating when
the discussion takes an ugly turn or a panelist leaves a crucial stone unturned--especially
since, in the interests of neutrality, I have to leave my meddling fingers out like
an anthropologist following the Prime Directive.
A host taking a side like that could backfire on the side he chooses to represent,
for the public outcome depends entirely on the tender mercies of the media. Our host
bug-pinning the city is one thing--as the Japanese government in general is viewed
with distrust nowadays, making bureaucrats part of a monolith and fair game for public
criticism. But allowing the effigying of one solitary individual private businessman
runs the risk of victimizing him. Should the cameras prove anti-forumer, a simple
editing of the scenes could make some viewers saying "kawaisou" for the
onsens--eliciting sympathy for the "fundari-kettari" enterpriser only trying
to survive and stay in business. For indeed, social sympathies over here (something
like, "no law-abiding and profitable business should be forced to go out of
business") are not the same as overseas: the theory of bankruptcy resulting
in "creative destruction" simply does not hold ground (which is why Japan's
structural trade barriers are so hard to argue against). The bottom line is that
it is difficult enough extricating oneself from the foreigner vs Japanese rubric.
It is even worse to threaten entanglement
with another dichotomy: "human rights" (jinken) vs tne newly-coined "right
to make a living" (seikatsuken). The victimization of Osupa would only encourage
To be honest, I am not sure myself what the "right approach" in this situation
should have been, but I daresay January 31's wasn't it. Not only does it leaves our
image at the mercy of the media, it closes future doors of negotiation. I think it
is a fair bet that Osupa will never voluntarily appear at another bargaining table
or discussion forum.
So, how did the media ultimately portray things?
The print media was, fortunately, Forum-favorable. Regarding the larger issues involved,
thanks to the presence of Kyodo there have been lots of recent articles in the domestic
and international press: the Americans,
British, Germans, and even the Russians (yes, Feb 2's Komsomoliskaya
Pravda)--not to leave out Japan Times and Daily
Yomiuri and probably other local newspapers--printed wire-service articles last
As for the broadcast media, NHK devoted a whole program (30 minutes) to it on Feb
5. It was a very good report. I have transcribed that segment in its entirety (boy,
that took ages!) and is available here.
Dave Aldwinckle