




成人式会場で酔って暴れた鉄筋工、暴行容疑で逮捕 沖縄

 成人式の会場近くで酒に酔って暴れたとして、沖縄県警は11日、同県浦添市内の鉄筋工(20)を暴行の疑いで現行犯逮捕した。 ... (01/11 21:35)

花瓶の花を食べ脱衣騒ぎも 静岡・伊東市の成人式が混乱

 11日にあった静岡県伊東市の成人式で、酒に酔った新成人数人が壇上で大声を上げるなどして騒ぎ、混乱した。 ...
(01/11 21:35)


成人式:全国各地で式典 今年もマナーが問題に 

 全国で13日、一斉に成人式が開かれ、着慣れぬスーツや晴れ着姿の新成人の姿が列島各地で見られた。新成人は152万人。今年は連休で出席しやすいように式典を12日に前倒しする自治体も増えた。新潟市では、北朝鮮による拉致問題が取り上げられ、山口市などでは、年末に亡くなった本紙の佐藤健記者が連載した「生きる者の記録」の記事が配布された。一方、飲酒した新成人がステージで騒いだり、警察官とのトラブルで逮捕されるなど、今年も各地でマナーが問題になった...◇市長の左胸に青いリボン 新潟市 ◇九州各地でトラブル



 父母や恩師がお目付け役になったり、1席置きに着席させられたり──。12日の成人の日にあわせて各地で式典が行われたが、「荒れる成人式」を防ごうと、あの手この手の対策が取られた。しかし、今年も騒動は相次ぎ、見直しや意義を問う声も高まっている。  ◆「議員紹介が長い」◆  「議員紹介が長い。選挙アピールみ... (2004/01/12)



 成人の日を控えた11日、各地で1日早い成人式が開かれたが、沖縄県では暴力を振るった新成人が逮捕され、宮城県では酔った新成人十数人が式後に暴れるなど、「荒れる成人式」が相次いだ。  沖縄県浦添市では、式前の11日午後1時半ごろ、会場の市民会館の広場で仲間と泡盛を飲んで騒いでいた同市大平3、鉄筋工金城... (2004/01/11)



 成人式がマルチ商法(連鎖販売取引)勧誘の場になることを防げ──。12日の成人の日前後に成人式を開く自治体が、式の中で注意を呼びかける講演会を行ったり、パンフレットを配布したりするなどして警戒を強めている。  マルチ商法が広がっている首都圏の大学生らが、かつての同級生などを勧誘し、被害が拡大する恐れが... (2004/01/10)



 この時期においては、宮城県議会議員の今野隆吉氏の平成12年6月定例会(第283回)-06月29日−05号 五十一番よりの引用が印象的だったと思います。 http://www.2002rifu.net/problem/prb-hooligan2.html より


http://www.debito.org/worldcup2002.html (和英文)

 結局、ワールドカップの間の犯罪は?Yahoo.co.jp News によると全国的に、93件でした。うち60件が日本人が犯しました。うち、レイプと暴力関係の犯罪は報道されていませんでした。(ちなみに、私は道警察と今野議員に直接連絡して、フーリガンの恐れを大袈裟に報道したと認め日本国際住民のイメージダウンを謝罪することを要求したが、両者は断りました。今野議員は上記の発言さえ撤回することも断りました。電話で交わした会話の英訳は http://www.debito.org/worldcupkonnofollowup.html です。)













 宜しくお願い致します。有道 出人(あるどう でびと)
January 14, 2004


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Portions Copyright 2004, Arudou Debito/Dave Aldwinckle, Sapporo, Japan



By Arudou Debito
January 14, 2003
(Thanks to Ken on The Community List for inspiration)

Even though sarcasm is not a staple of Japanese humor, it well known that Japan is a land of ironies. The most recent are official reactions to an annual event known as Seijin no Hi ("Coming of Age Day"), when local governments nationwide hold ceremonies (seijinshiki) for people turned twenty, Japan's legal age for adulthood, over the past year.

It just so happens that twenty is also Japan's legal age for drinking. This, plus boring speeches by bureaucrats or stumping by local politicians, has led to a volatile cocktail of passions at these ceremonies in recent years.

Witness a few headlines and excerpts from the English-language press in Japan:

"Shoes on table spark Coming of Age protest"
(Mainichi Shimbun, Japan, Jan. 13, 2004)

KAWASAKI -- Indignation has greeted a young man who used his speech at a Coming of Age ceremony here by standing up to mete out a tongue-lashing to local politicians, but most of the outrage has been directed at his decision to stand on the table while keeping his shoes on....

During the ceremony, the young man, who was to give a speech as the representative of the city's new adults, instead leaped up onto the table in front of him and launched into a severe verbal attack on Kawasaki Mayor Takao Abe and members of the city's municipal assembly attending the event.

Assembly members forced a halt in the man's outburst by surrounding him and demanding an apology....


"Paramedics attacked while treating drunken reveler"
(Mainichi Shimbun, Japan, Jan. 12, 2004)

FURUKAWA, Miyagi -- Drunken new adults viciously kicked, spat at and abused paramedics as they tried to treat a man who had fallen after frolicking around on the roof of a hall where an official Coming of Age Day ceremony was held here, police said Monday...

When paramedics arrived on the scene and hurried to find the injured man, they were surrounded by about 10 drunken men, who hugged and jostled them until they finally managed to reach the man needing help.

After they placed him on the stretcher, drunken men kicked at the paramedics, spat on them and shouted obscenities. One man kicked the ambulance carrying the injured man, leaving a massive dent.

No arrests were made in connection with the incident.


"Man busted over Coming of Age carnage"
(Mainichi and wire reports, Japan, Jan. 12, 2004)

NAHA, Okinawa -- A young man attending a Coming of Age party has been arrested after he broke an officer's headlock and smashed his fists into another participant's face, police said.

Daiki Kaneshiro, 20, a metalworker, was arrested for assault following a brawl at the Coming of Age party held Sunday by the municipal government in Urasoe, Okinawa Prefecture...

Police said many groups of new adults had been drinking before the party and a brawl broke out between a group including Kaneshiro and another gathering of young men.


"New adults behave like unruly children"
(Mainichi and wire reports, Japan, Jan. 12, 2004)

ITO, Shizuoka -- An official party celebrated here for those reaching legal adulthood was hampered by the childlike antics of drunken participants, Ito Municipal Government officials said Monday.

Though nobody was hurt in the incidents a group of drunken young men caused a great disturbance that cast a shadow over the celebration for the roughly 500 people who gathered for Ito's Coming of Age Day party.

A group of about five men released [fire]crackers in the hall.

One of them raced up to the podium where Ito Mayor Fujiichiro Suzuki was giving a speech, pushed the mayor aside and climbed up onto dais to let out a huge Tarzan roar.

Suzuki ordered the young man to be quiet and had him escorted from the auditorium where the party was being held.

Even before Suzuki appeared to make a speech, the podium had been the center of attention for drunken male revelers, with one man climbing up on top of it so he could rip down copies of the city charter hanging above the stage.

Another man also ascended the platform to wave a flower arrangement about above his head.

All those behind the scenes were drunk and no further punishment appears likely...


COMMENT: Harrumph. Amazing how tolerant Japan's law enforcement can be (especially of people drinking before they reach the legal drinking age--not all of them, the media reports, had actually reached 20) of hooliganism of this sort. The only arrest mentioned above was when the violence involved a police officer (arrest possible under the "Interference of Public Duties Law", or Koumu Shikkou Bougai Hou). But not for interfering with ambulance bureaucrats, causing material damage, or disturbing the peace. This doesn't even fall into the category of "juvenile crime", as technically they are now adults. So why aren't they arrested as such?

Contrast that with the treatment of "foreign hooligans", especially those which didn't materialize during the World Cup Japan 2002. All that airtime and newspaper ink devoted to how gangs of foreign ne'er-do-wells would swoop down and wreck this place.

The best comment was from Miyagi Prefectural Assemblyman Konno Takayoshi, who was quoted on the record during a June 2001 assembly:

(Translation and transliteration by Sarah Stark and Arudou Debito)
"We can expect things like fights between the people attending the matches, illegally-parked cars on fire, mischief towards houses en route to the stadium. We will have people not paying their hotel or food bills; foreign hooligans will infiltrate (sennyuu) the country and will be charged for drug offenses such as cocaine and heroin. Wrapped up in this abnormal atmosphere, there will be problems up to babies born against one's will due to foreign-Japanese (naigaijin) rapes."

(tatoeba nyuujosha no kenka, fuhou-juusha he no houka, endou-minka he no itazura nado ga suisoku saremasuga, mata, hoteru no shukuhaku-dai ya inshoku dai no fumitaoshi, furyou-gaikokujin ga sennyuu shite, kokain, heroin nado mayaku hanzai gatekihatsu sarete orimasu. ijou na fun'iki ni tsutsumarete, naigaijin reipu ni yoru fuhon'i na akachan shussann made ga mondai ni natte orimasu.)
(Source in Japanese: <http://www.2002rifu.net/problem/prb-hooligan2.html>

In the end, exactly many crimes were committed by these hooligans?

(Source: Yahoo.co.jp Japan news)
93 World Cup-related crimes in Japan for the duration of the World Cup.
60 of these by Japanese nationals.

30 arrests for scalping
17 for obstuction
10 for obscenity
Other crimes include theft, trespassing, selling counterfeit goods, etc.

But not one rape. And apparently nothing as violent as what takes place every single year at Seijinshiki around the country.

And boy did they come down hard on one of the above foreign suspects, Nick Baker, for a charge of drug smuggling. (Ten months' solitary confinement while awaiting trial, then sentenced to 14 years' incarceration with hard labor, after the judge refused to consider evidence that he may have been set up.) See http://www.justicefornickbaker.org/

Yet afterwards there were no apologies from the National Police Agency for besmirching foreigners in Japan, let alone from Assemblyman Konno (who refused, when I contacted him personally, to publicly retract his comment. See <http://www.debito.org/worldcupkonnofollowup.html>)

(Full details on the World Cup and the huge anti-hooligan police budget outlays for the Sapporo games available at <http://www.debito.org/worldcup2002.html>)


Granted, the World Cup was a special time for Japan. But the targeting of foreigners for special legal treatment still continues, as I have written extensively in the past (see reference links below).

So let's keep the ironies straight:

Crimes are committed every year by Japanese at predictable times and places, namely these Seijinshiki. Yet no police are called in to shut down public facilities, or warn local shopkeeps to suspend their business or board up their windows?

Of course not. That would be overreacting. Just some youthful high-jinks, after all.

However, even if crimes do happen, intoxicated culprits are mostly not held accountable (which would, ahem, boost the Japanese crime rate). Undeterred, we have a repeat performance by next year's batch of boozers.

Yet when it comes to foreigners, look at efforts to prevent and pre-empt "foreign crime": crackdowns and foreign ID checkpoints are held at unpredictable times and places, huge tax outlays are granted for racial profiling and public surveillance cameras (like those in Kabukichou, an alleged hotbed of "lawnessness" by Japanese politicians), signs are put up in public places warning of foreign crime and barring foreigners from entry...

And when crime happens (the most common of them being those dreadfully violent visa violations), watch the police fuss and the public panic about foreign crime.

Double standards and selective enforcement of laws.
Guess we oughta get drunk more often...

Arudou Debito
January 14, 2003

PS: Or speak out. Thanks to people like Julian at The Community taking the issue up with Tokyo Nakano-ku Police, one set of "anti-foreign" police notices ("Beware of Foreign Pickpockets") was amended to "Beware of Pickpockets". It only took a year to accomplish that. See photos of signs at


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Portions Copyright 2004, Arudou Debito/Dave Aldwinckle, Sapporo, Japan