Tokyo Shinbun: GOJ to amend Nikkei Repatriation Bribe exile to Mar 2012


Handbook for Newcomers, Migrants, and Immigrants to Japan\Foreign Residents and Naturalized Citizens Association forming NGO\「ジャパニーズ・オンリー 小樽入浴拒否問題と人種差別」(明石書店)JAPANESE ONLY:  The Otaru Hot Springs Case and Racial Discrimination in Japansourstrawberriesavatar

Hi Blog. Good news, in a sense, I guess. The Tokyo Shinbun yesterday reports below that the 300,000 yen Repatriation Bribe for Nikkei (with consequent bar on reentry on the same special “Long-Term Resident” (teijuusha) status) is to be amended, to shorten the length of exile to the end of March 2012. After that, Nikkei are welcome to reapply for the same status of residence and come back to work in Japan.

This is, according to the article due to complaints by Nikkei and the Brazilian Government to the GOJ. I bet it’s also due to all the negative press the GOJ got for this tidy little rip-off of Nikkei pensions. Anyone know whether Japan has a pension treaty with the Nikkei-origin countries so their work contributions overseas will be counted as part of their Japanese pension for the duration of their exile, or in case they don’t get their visa renewed to come back from exile? I’d be happily surprised if there was. Arudou Debito in Sapporo

支援金受給の帰国日系人 入国禁止12年まで 政府方針

東京新聞 2009年5月10日 朝刊

Courtesy of Silvio

政府は九日、不況で失業中の日系人が支援金を受給して帰国した場合、定住者としての再入国を二〇一二年三月までは認めない方針を固めた。再入国の 制限を「当分の間」としていたが、日系人らが「事実上の追放」などと反発していることを考慮し、期限を明示することにした。週明けに正式決定する。

政府は、日本国内の雇用情勢の悪化を受け、今年三月までに失業した日系ブラジル人らに帰国を促しており、離職者本人に原則三十万円、扶養家族一人 につき二十万円をそれぞれ支給する支援事業を四月にスタートさせた。同時に、支援金目的での一時帰国などを防ぐため、受給の条件に日系三世までに与えられ る「定住者」在留資格による再入国を当分認めないとした。



6 comments on “Tokyo Shinbun: GOJ to amend Nikkei Repatriation Bribe exile to Mar 2012

  • I haven’t had a chance to read too much about this, yet, but one thing I’d be interested in is whether this retroactively includes those nikkei who have already accepted the parachute. We can’t be sure that this was a case of the GOJ bowing to media pressure, as in the grand scheme of things there really wasn’t much. The cynic in me wonders if this wasn’t more to do with the low take-up of the offer (if rumours are to be believed, that is, I don’t have any numbers).

  • Interesting article by Peter Hitchens on this/Japan…

    “The first to suffer are the immigrants. And here Japan has unintentionally conducted an astonishing experiment which establishes once and for all that it is culture and upbringing, not blood and genes, which determine where and how you fit in and who and what you are….”

    — Warning: It’s a very silly article, founded upon some pretty poor social science (recall a certain degree of superiority-inferiority, found in a number of catty British-style authors; hark Clive James in China). Speaking Portuguese changes the way you set your face, for example? Tripe and onions. Haven’t we got enough reporters here on the ground already to give the world more than just a supercilious surface travelogue?

  • Debito commented- “Haven’t we got enough reporters here on the ground already to give the world more than just a supercilious surface travelogue?”

    I am quite sure that the British foreign correspondents working here pitched the ‘Repatriation Bribe for Nikkei’ issue to the British press but none of them have, yet, been shortlisted for the Orwell Prize – the pre-eminent British prize for political journalism.

    This is Peter Hitchens for the Daily Mail. I guess a lot of the irony was lost in translation and lack of italics…

    Regarding the quote you pulled – indeed Tripe and onions… the point being made was that the Japanese guide was stating the them (Nikkei) and us(J) mentality – they eat different foods to home grown Japanese etc… which is why I used the quote I did.

    And no matter what you think of ‘catty British-style authors’ awareness is just that.

    — Okay, thanks for sharing the article. Didn’t mean to rub you personally the wrong way.

  • Hi Debito,

    I’m sure to start driving you nuts at this point by continuing to look into this topic. Especially because I am about to star splitting hairs. Apologies in advance.

    For the record, I’m not clear that the “当分の間” clause has really been removed. In fact, I think what the government is now saying is that after three years they will review the situation, and if the economy warrants it, they will allow these nikkeijin to return to Japan (if they wish to.)

    So potentially, in essence, nothing has changed, because in three years time if the economy is “bad” (not good for added foreigners), they can merely apologize and forward the arbitrary expiration date. At least that’s how I read it. I’d be curious to know if you read this differently. Maybe I’m just misreading this.

    Here’s a dialog that took place either in the assembly or on a committee, it addresses this specific issue. Also, it’s useful in that again the constitutional issue comes up. Basically the government has proscribed via law who can enter and who cannot enter Japan, as it is supposed to do per the constitution. On this basis there is no room for excluding Brazilians who comply with the law and want to enter (or reenter) Japan. That is the immigration law, created in line with the constitution, provides no means to exclude people from entering Japan simply because an agency of the government in the past paid them money.

    So the government is (unreasonably) relaying on some clause somewhere in the law that gives them a slight bit of discretionary powers to enforce this ban. (I’m not clear on which, but I think it involves some kind of convoluted use of “合理的”. Ahem … I’m guessing you are familiar with this.)

    Of course, given the people affected by the ban, I doubt there’s any of them who would have the resources or even motivation to fight this, especially all the way from Brazil.

    Here is the dialog from the assembly:


    ○政府参考人(岡崎淳一君) この帰国支援につきましては、この厳しい雇用情勢の下で、日本での再就職をいったん断念して帰国を決意された方、これらの方につきまして日本の国の予算で帰国支援するわけでありますので、同じ雇用状況の下でまた再入国されてもなかなか就職が難しいだろうということを考えたわけでございます。

    神本美恵子君 今、当分の間は具体的に三年を目途というふうにお聞きしましたけれども、これもちょっと前、四月末の新聞に載っていたんですけれども、元東京入国管理局長の坂中移民政策研究所長のコメントなんですが、日系人は入管法上資格を与えられて日本に住んでいる、国会審議もされていない一制度、その帰国支援制度ですね、を利用しただけで再入国を不許可にするのは、法務大臣の裁量権の逸脱に当たり、憲法が定める法の下の平等にも反するというふうにコメントされております。

    副大臣(渡辺孝男君) 今回の帰国支援事業は公費を使って旅費等を支援をしておりますので、やはり再度入国ということになる場合は厳格な対応が必要というふうに考えておりますので、先ほど申し上げたとおり、三年後の経済・雇用情勢の動向等を考慮してもう一度見直しを図るということでありますので、そのときの経済状況、そして雇用情勢の状況を見ながら対応していきたいと考えております。
    ○神本美恵子君 終わります。

    — Thanks for this. I note it’s dated June 10. Seems to me the public outrage might have forced a change of heart from the original (more Draconian) measure hastily slapped together in March.

  • I stumbled into these follow-up articles. Old, yes, but I think it’s worth archiving here.

    Residency status granted to Japanese-Brazilian woman to rejoin her husband

    May 30, 2013 Ida Torres

    A 21 year old Japanese-Brazilian woman was granted an authorized residence status certificate by the Nagoya Regional Immigration Bureau. They reversed their earlier decision to refuse her request to reenter Japan to join her husband, also a Japanese-Brazilian who is now living in Japan. Giullyane Futenma filed a lawsuit against the government earlier this month when she was denied residency status to re-enter the country.

    Futenma and her family moved to Japan when she was 7 years old but in 2009, she returned to Brazil under a government program which enables foreigners of Japanese descent to go back to their home countries if they cannot find work in Japan. The rules say that you cannot re-enter the country if you left using government aid, but was later reduced to three years after leaving. She married fellow Japanese-Brazilian Lucas Tetsuo in Brazil in 2011. He went back to Japan in 2012 and found work in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Futenma wanted to rejoin her husband in Japan so he applied for her resident eligibility in December last year but was denied residence status by the courts in January because she left under the program.

    She filed the lawsuit in central Japan’s Shizuoka District Court and claimed that she was being denied the right to live with her spouse, especially since it’s been three years since she left for Brazil. According to her lawyer, Ryo Takagai, she will be dropping the lawsuit since the immigration authorities had appropriately changed their minds in giving her resident status.
    [ via Jiji Press ]










    ◇ 第2世代も貧困など苦労






    [毎日新聞社 2013年9月11日(水)]


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