Email Debito

The best way to contact me is via my email address, debito AT debito DOT org.

And the best way to escape my spam filters (I get at least 200 spam messages a day) is to title your email well. A simple “hello” etc. won’t reach my inbox, sorry.

I also get a lot of requests for information every day, so apologies if I can’t get back to you in a timely manner. Please be patient.

And please don’t email me questions (such as “How do I get Permanent Residency in Japan?” etc.) though the comments section of this blog. 🙂

(If it’s a question or comment about the blog post in particular, of course, go ahead. Or ask it to everyone in the Comments Section.)

Thanks for reading, and I hope you get a lot out of this blog and my regular website and archive of essays.

ARUDOU, Debito Ph.D.