
2004年5月19日現在 Version 7
and final version
Submitted to Wakkanai City Assembly and Mayor, February 5, 2004.
Submitted to Monbetsu City Assembly and Mayor, February 6, 2004.
Submitted to Otaru City Assembly and Mayor, March 17, 2004.
(Response from Otaru City Assembly Dated March 19, 2004, in Japanese. Buried in Committee.)
Submitted to Sapporo City Assembly and Mayor, March 20, 2004.
Submitted to Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly and Governor, March 20, 2004.
Signatories welcome. Email olaf@debito.org




 稚内市議会 殿 (2004年2月5日提出)
 紋別市議会 殿 (2004年2月6日提出)
 小樽市議会 殿 (2004年3月17日提出。小樽市議会より3月19日付の返答:「継続審査」。手紙はここです。
 札幌市議会 殿 (2004年3月18日提出)
 北海道議会 殿 (2004年3月18日提出)





カートハウス・オラフ 代表
有道 出人(あるどう でびと) 代表
インターネット人権擁護団体The Community http://www.debito.org/TheCommunity
Jens Wilkinson, President, United for a Multicultural Japan (www.tabunka.org)
Imtiaz Chaudhry, one Coordinator, The Community
Markus Grasmueck, Yokohama
Nancy Earth, Kagoshima
Dr. Christoph Neumann, Tokyo
Matthias Schmidt, Ito-Gun Wakayama-Ken
David S. Adams, Urayasu, Chiba
Andreas Zak, Stuttgart, Deutschland
Alexander Kovacs, Saitama, Iruma-shi
Jens Goerisch, Yokohama
Douglas Black and Noriko Black, Yokohama
Fumio Takano, Tokyo Alien Eyes NPO (http://www.annie.ne.jp/~ishn/)
Masataka, Brigitte and Momo Hori, Sapporo



 第1条 この条例は、すべての者による人種差別を禁止し、その被害の救済と予防を図るための措置を講じることにより、人種差別を撤廃し、もって、憲法上及び国際法上認められた人権が尊重される社会の実現に寄与することを目的とする。

 第2条 第一項 この条例において「人種等」とは、人種、皮膚の色、民族、国籍又は国民的出身をいう。

 第二項 この条例において「人種集団」とは、特定の人種等を共有する者から構成される集団をいう。

 第三項 この条例において「公務員」とは、国又は地方公共団体の職員その他法令により公 務に従事する者をいう。

 第四項 この条例において「人種差別」とは、次に掲げる行為を意味する。

 (イ) (直接差別) 人種等に基づき、ある者が、同様な状況において他の者が扱われるよりも不利に扱われること。

 (ロ) (間接差別) 一見中立的な規定又は基準の適用が、特定の人種集団に属する者に対し他の者に比べて不利となること。但し、当該規定又は基準が、正当な目的により客観的に正当化され、かつかかる目的を実現する手段が必要かつ適切である場合を除く。

 (ハ) (ハラスメント) 人種等に関する行為であって、威嚇、侮辱、嘲りその他不快な環境を作り出す目的若しくは効果を有するもの、又は特定の者の尊厳を傷つける目的若しくは効果を有するものは、(1)の差別とみなす。

 第五項 次に掲げる行為は、人種差別にあたらない。

 (イ) 国籍に基づき異なる取扱いをすることが真にやむを得ない場合において、目的のために必要な範囲で、異なる取扱いをすること。

 (ロ) ある職業の性質上、特定の人種等に関する特徴が決定的な職業上の条件に該当する場合であって、かかる条件を設ける目的が正当であり、かつ条件が目的に比例している場合において、かかる特徴に基づいて異なる取扱いをすること。

 (ハ) 人種等に関連する不利益を防止又は是正することを目的として、特別の措置

第3条 何人も、人種差別を受けない。

第4条 個別分野

第一項 【 労 働 】
 イ 使用者は、以下の各号その他労働契約に関わり人種差別を行ってはならない。

 (一) 募集及び採用
 (二) 労働時間、賃金、休日休暇、労働安全衛生その他の労働条件
 (三) 配置及び昇進
 (四) 教育訓練
 (五) 福利厚生
 (六) 定年、退職及び解雇

 ロ 職業紹介機関、職業訓練機関及び資格付与機関は、人種差別を行ってはならない。

 ハ 労働組合、使用者団体及びその他の職業団体は、当該団体への加入及びその団体の構成員としての処遇において人種差別を行ってはならない。

 ニ 地方公共団体は、採用・昇進を含め、人種差別を行ってはならない。

第二項 【 医療・社会保障 】
 イ 何人も、人種差別されることなく、到達可能な最高水準の身体及び精神の健康を享受する権利を有する。

 ロ 何人も、人種差別されることなく、生命の維持及び回復しがたい健康被害の防止のために緊急に必要とされる医療を受ける権利を有する。この救急医療は、その者の在留または就労が不正規であるという理由で拒絶されてはならない。

 ハ 何人も、人種差別されることなく、健康保険・厚生年金保険・国民健康保険・国民年金に加入することができる。

 ニ 何人も、人種差別されることなく、生活保護を受ける権利を有する。但し、日本国内に在留して1年以内の外国人は、この限りではない。

 ホ 何人も、人種差別されることなく、児童福祉、母子保健、乳幼児医療、感染症医療、障害者福祉、高齢者福祉、公衆衛生等に関する権利を享受することができる。

第三項 【 教 育 】
 イ 何人も、あらゆる形態のあらゆる段階の教育において、人種差別を受けない。

 ロ 地方公共団体は、すべての適当な方法により、民族教育、母(国)語教育及び日本語教育を受ける機会を含む特定の人種集団に関する特別なニーズの充足に努めなければならない。

 ハ あらゆる形態のあらゆる段階の教育は、人種差別を助長する内容を含むものであってはならない。特に学校教育においては、人種差別の撤廃を指向するものでなければならない。

第三項 【 住 居 】

第四項 【 物品等の提供 】

第五項 【 団体加入 】

第5条 公務員による差別及び差別の教唆禁止

第一項 公務員は、公務に従事する者としての立場において、人種差別をしてはならない。

第二項 公務員は、人に対し、人種差別を行うよう教唆してはならない。教唆とは、指示、命令、誘導その他方法を問わず、人に対し、特定の行為を実行する決意を生じさせ、又は生じさせるおそれのある働きかけをすることをいう。

第6条 罰則

第一項 (差別をした者)

第二項 (法人の業務にかかわる差別したもの)

第7条 地方公共団体の責務

  地方公共団体は、憲法上及び国際法上認められた人権の実現のため、人種差別の撤廃のための施策を総合的に推進する責務を有する。 地方公共団体は、地域社会における人種差別の撤廃を図るため、地方公共団体の運営及び事務の処理にあたりこの条例の趣旨を十分考慮するとともに、条例を制定し、その他地方公共団体において人種差別の撤廃のための施策を推進する責務を有する。

第8条 .条例の広報・周知


第9条 条例の解釈の補足的手段としての国際人権法




「ロシア人入浴どうぞ 『お断り』撤去 受け入れ再開」へのリンク:
オホーツク新聞(1月10日付)の一覧表「人種差別撤廃条例 陳情へ」へのリンク:



カートハウス・オラフ と 有道 出人(あるどう でびと)著
olaf@debito.org, debito@debito.org



 ● なぜ条例の中に罰則が必要か


 ● なぜこの罰則になったか



 出典: http://www.city.meguro.tokyo.jp/gomigenryo/haisyutsu/fuhotouki.htm

 出典: http://www.yonago-city.jp/koho/H1411/P4_5.htm

 出典: http://www.town.yashima.akita.jp/seikatu/gomi.htm

 出典: http://www.pref.chiba.jp/syozoku/e_sanpai/kisoku-j.htm


 出典: http://www.city.shinjuku.tokyo.jp/division/340500eisei/news/kohyounoosirase.htm
 出典: http://www.pref.hokkaido.jp/soumu/sm-gknri/tetuduki/02syobunn/04hofuku/05syokuhinneiseika.htm



2004年5月19日現在 Version 7
and final version

Submitted to Wakkanai City Assembly and Mayor, February 5, 2004.
Submitted to Monbetsu City Assembly and Mayor, February 6, 2004.
Submitted to Otaru City Assembly and Mayor, March 17, 2004.
(Response from Otaru City Assembly Dated March 19, 2004, in Japanese. Buried in Committee.)
Submitted to Sapporo City Assembly and Mayor, March 20, 2004.
Submitted to Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly and Governor, March 20, 2004.
Signatories welcome. Email


(Based upon Draft Proposal Ver. 1 of JCLU Subcommittee for the Rights of Foreigners)


Japan ratified the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination in 1996, yet remains the only developed country without any law whatsoever banning discrimination by race, national origin, color, or appearance. Nevertheless, the position of the Japanese government, in its periodic reports to the United Nations (2001), remains, "We do not recognize that the present situation of Japan is one in which discriminative acts cannot be effectively restrained by the existing legal system or in which explicit racial discriminative acts, which cannot be restrained by measures other than legislation, are conducted; therefore a law prohibiting racial discrimination and other legislation is not considered necessary."

(Comments of the Japanese Government on the Concluding Observations of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination regarding report and examination of the Japanese Government).

Nonetheless, as the domestic number of non-Japanese and international residents continues to increase year after year, there exists strongly-rooted and unchecked racial discrimination in Japan. This includes discrimination against non-Japanese in labor, housing, the provision of services, and various other areas which should be covered by law. In the Ana Bortz Case of 1998, where a Brazilian woman was refused entry to a Hamamatsu jewelry store solely due to her nationality, and the Otaru Onsen racial discrimination case from 1999 onwards, where permanent residents and Japanese citizens were excluded by nationality and race, plaintiffs were awarded compensation based on the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Yet these cases are but the tip of the iceberg. Relief under the Convention and in the courts, in themselves, have in practice been inadequate for the elimination of discrimination, since appealing to the judiciary is a lengthy, costly, and often unsuccessful means. To do away with discrimination, Japan as a civil society must specify and define clear rules and laws as to what constitutes unacceptable discrimination, clarify the responsibility of national and local governments in the elimination of discrimination, and enhance administrative, legislative, and judicial relief measures.

As can be seen in the continuing and unchecked discrimination against non-Japanese residents, which occurs with great frequency in the sectors mentioned within the ordinance below, existing mechanisms for the protection of human rights centered on the Japanese Constitution and the Japanese judicial system are clearly inadequate to prevent or provide relief for these abuses of human rights. It is time for the creation of these mechanisms, both at the national and the local level.

We as a collection of concerned peoples and interest groups aim for the enactment of substantive law for the elimination of racial discrimination. Since cases of refusals by race, nationality, color and appearance, have been (and in come cases, continue to be) perpetrated by enterprises and organizations in your municipality, we think it necessary for a precedent to be set by you, as an local-level administrative and legislative body, to follow international treaty and the Japanese Constitution and pass a law against it. In this spirit, we hereby submit this petition calling for the establishment of an anti-racial discrimination ordinance within your municipality.

Olaf Karthaus
Arudou Debito
Jens Wilkinson, President, United for a Multicultural Japan (www.tabunka.org)
Imtiaz Chaudhry, one Coordinator, The Community (www.debito.org/TheCommunity)
Markus Grasmueck, Yokohama
Nancy Earth, Kagoshima
Dr. Christoph Neumann, Tokyo
Matthias Schmidt, Ito-Gun Wakayama-Ken
David S. Adams, Urayasu, Chiba
Andreas Zak, Stuttgart, Deutschland
Alexander Kovacs, Saitama, Iruma-shi
Jens Goerisch, Yokohama
Douglas Black and Noriko Black, Yokohama
Fumio Takano, Tokyo Alien Eyes NPO (http://www.annie.ne.jp/~ishn/)
Masataka, Brigitte and Momo Hori, Sapporo


(Based upon Draft Proposal Ver. 1 of JCLU Subcommittee for the Rights of Foreigners)

1. Purpose
This Ordinance seeks to contribute to the realization of a society that respects those human rights recognized under the Japanese Constitution and international law, by eliminating racial discrimination through the prohibition of racial discrimination by all persons and by enacting measures designed for the relief and prevention of harms therefrom.

2. Definitions
In this Ordinance, the term "Race" shall mean race, color of skin, ethnicity, nationality or national origin.

In this Ordinance, the term "Racial Group" shall mean any group comprised of persons who share a specific Race.

In this Ordinance, the term "Public Official" shall mean any staff member of national or local public entities, and persons otherwise engaged in civil service pursuant to law or ordinance.

In this Ordinance, the term "Racial Discrimination" shall mean the following actions:

(1) (Direct Discrimination) Treating any person at a disadvantage to others in the same circumstances, based on Race;

(2) (Indirect Discrimination) In comparison to others, the application of an apparently neutral rule or standard working to the disadvantage of a person belonging to a specific Racial Group. Provided, however, that the foregoing shall exclude instances in which said rules or standards are objectively justifiable for a reasonable purpose, and the means for achieving said purpose is both necessary and appropriate;

(3) (Harassment) Acts related to Race, that have the purpose or effect of intimidation, insult, derision, or the creation of an otherwise unpleasant environment, or that have the purpose or effect of damaging the dignity of specific person(s) shall be deemed as discrimination under Paragraph (1).

The following acts shall not constitute Racial Discrimination:

(1) To the extent necessary for the purpose, differing treatment in cases where different treatment based on nationality is truly unavoidable;

(2) In cases in which by the nature of a certain occupation, characteristics related to a specific Race correspond to definitive working conditions, the purpose for the establishment of said conditions is just, and the conditions are proportionate to the purpose, the differing treatment based on said characteristics;

(3) Special measures enacted for the purpose of preventing or rectifying disadvantages related to Race.

3. General Prohibition of Discrimination

No person shall suffer Racial Discrimination.

4. Specific Areas


1) Employers must not engage in Racial Discrimination in the following matters or otherwise in connection with labor contracts:

(1) Recruitment and hiring;
(2) Work hours, wages, days off and leave, work safety and sanitation,
and other labor conditions;
(3) Assignments and promotions;
(4) Education and training;
(5) Benefits;
(6) Mandatory retirement, resignations and dismissals

2) Job placement organizations, job training organizations and organizations granting qualifications must not engage in Racial Discrimination.

3) Labor unions, employer groups, and other occupational groups must not engage in Racial Discrimination for entry into said groups and in the treatment as members of such groups.

4) National and local public entities must not engage in Racial Discrimination, including in matters of hiring and promotions.

[Medical Treatment and Social Security]

1) All persons shall have the right to enjoy physical and mental health to the maximum level attainable, free of Racial Discrimination.

2) All persons shall have the right to receive medical treatment as required in emergencies to sustain life and prevent irreversible health injuries, free of Racial Discrimination. Such emergency treatment must not be refused based on grounds of undocumented residency or employment.

3) All persons shall have the right to participate in health insurance, welfare pension insurance, National Health Insurance, and the National Pension Plan free of Racial Discrimination.

4) All persons shall have the right to receive protection of livelihood free of Racial Discrimination. Provided, however, that the foregoing provision shall not apply to foreigners who have resided in Japan for less than one year.

5) All persons shall be able to enjoy rights related to child welfare, maternal and child health, pediatric healthcare, healthcare for
infectious diseases, welfare services for the disabled, welfare services for seniors, public health, and the like, free of Racial Discrimination.


1) No person shall suffer Racial Discrimination in any form or at any stage in education.

2) National and local public entities must utilize all appropriate methods in an effort to fulfill the special needs associated with
specific Racial Groups, including opportunities to receive ethnic education, education of native languages, and education of the Japanese language.

3) In no form and at no stage will education include content which encourages Racial Discrimination. In particular, school-based education must be oriented towards the elimination of racial discrimination.


No person shall suffer Racial Discrimination in the disposal (including purchase and sale) of, or the use (including renting) of, real estate for business use or housing for oneself or one's family.

[Provision of Goods, Etc.]

No person shall suffer Racial Discrimination in connection with the receipt of any goods or services provided for public use including retailers, transportation, accommodation, food and beverage establishments, playhouses, and parks.

[Participation in Groups]

No person shall suffer Racial Discrimination in joining, withdrawing or in the treatment as a member of those groups for which the public are eligible to become members.

5. Prohibition of Discrimination and Incitement of Discrimination by Public Officials

Public Officials must not engage in Racial Discrimination in their positions as persons engaged in public service.

Public Officials must not incite Racial Discrimination against any person. Incitement shall mean working to cause or bring about the likeliness of a decision to carry out a specific act against a person, regardless of whether through instructions, orders, solicitations or other methods.

6. Punitive actions:

[Discrimination by a person]

The discriminating person shall receive punishment of incarceration of no more than five years, a fine of no more than ten million yen, or both.

[Discrimination by a legal, administrative, or, corporate body or organization]

The discriminating organization shall receive punishment of a fine of no more than one hundred million yen, or an immediate suspension (in principle a duration of seven days), elimination, or prohibition of business licence, or both.

7. Responsibilities of National and Local Public Entities

The national and local governments shall be responsible for the comprehensive promotion of policies for the realization of the human rights recognized under the Constitution and international law through the elimination of Racial Discrimination.

Local public entities, in an effort to eliminate Racial Discrimination in regional societies, shall give due consideration to the effect of this Ordinance in the administration and affairs of the local public entity, shall enact ordinances, and shall otherwise be responsible for the comprehensive promotion of policies for the elimination of Racial Discrimination at local public entities.

7. Publicity and Promotion of Awareness of the Ordinance

National and local public entities must widely promote awareness of this Ordinance by adopting adequate and affirmative publicity measures, and must provide all persons with easy access to information concerning this Ordinance.

8. International Human Rights Law as a Supplemental Means for the Interpretation of the Ordinance

In the interpretation and application of this Ordinance, consideration shall be given to general interpretations and applications internationally recognized in connection with the International Covenant on Human Rights, the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and other conventions related to human rights.



Japan Times column by Arudou Debito on
JCLU MAY 2003 ANTIRACIAL DISCRIMINATION LAW PROPOSAL, with bonus sidebars on Japan's UN Human Rights record, and legislative resistance to grass-roots antidiscrimination inputs. (June 3, 2003)

See also cases of discrimination in places mentioned above, with photos of signs, contact details, and links to reports and newspaper articles, at

Also, see what happened last time we submitted something like this, to the Otaru City Assembly in January 2000 because of the
Otaru Onsens Case (Answer: the chinjou got buried in committee and died in 2003 with new elections. Information site here.)


Reference Material
Why there are punishments included in this Ordinance Proposal

(Handout given to reporters during the Wakkanai/Monbetsu Press Conferences in February 5 and 6, 2004 respectively.)
By Olaf Karthaus and Arudou Debito

Thank you for coming to today's information session. We have submitted this Petition (chinjou) for the establishment of an Anti-Racial Discrimination Ordinance (jourei) within this municipality today, complete with punishments.

Referring to Article 6, [Discrimination by a person], it reads, "The discriminating person shall receive punishment of incarceration of no more than five years, a fine of no more than ten million yen, or both.

For [Discrimination by a legal, administrative, or, corporate body or organization], it reads "The discriminating organization shall receive punishment of a fine of no more than one hundred million yen, or an immediate suspension (in principle a duration of seven days), elimination, or prohibition of business licence, or both."

Why these punishments, or any at all, when many ordinances are passed in Japan without them?

Because if there are no punishments included whatsoever, there is no mechanism for enforcement. Refer to the Equal Employment Opportunity Law. Promulgated in 1986, to this day it still has no specific punishments for offenders. This is one reason why Japan's wage and promotion differentials between the sexes are the highest in the OECD. However, the Anti-Stalker Law, which does include punishments, has been an effective deterrent for this very reason. Thus, if the Ordinance has no punishments, it becomes no more than a Public Statement of Intent, with little administrative effect.

Why these punishments in specific?

We arrived at these punitive figures thanks to Ordinances passed in by other regional governments, listed in Japanese below with links to official adminstrative websites (Tokyo-to Meguroku, Tottori Ken Yonago City, Akita Ken Yashima Town, Chiba Ken), which state up to five years' imprisonment, up to a 10,000,000 yen fine, or both.

 出典: http://www.city.meguro.tokyo.jp/gomigenryo/haisyutsu/fuhotouki.htm

 出典: http://www.yonago-city.jp/koho/H1411/P4_5.htm

 出典: http://www.town.yashima.akita.jp/seikatu/gomi.htm

 出典: http://www.pref.chiba.jp/syozoku/e_sanpai/kisoku-j.htm

We also arrived at suspension of operating licences by referring to Food Sanitation Laws and their punishments, promulgated again by the local authorities (Tokyo Shinjuku-ku, and Hokkaido Prefecture, in Japanese below).

 出典: http://www.city.shinjuku.tokyo.jp/division/340500eisei/news/kohyounoosirase.htm
 出典: http://www.pref.hokkaido.jp/soumu/sm-gknri/tetuduki/02syobunn/04hofuku/05syokuhinneiseika.htm

These businesses which have been refusing "foreigners" (bathhouses, restaurants, sports stores, barberships, karaoke parlors, etc--not to mention realtors) are in fact offering a public service to customers, with social standards of quality and service to a certain degree guaranteed by the government in its licencing arrangements.

Since denial to access of these services due to race, appearance, or nationality will markedly decrease the individual's standard of living, we think referring to these laws is proper. If these laws can thus punish people for public pollution, why shouldn't laws protecting people against discrimination be held to the same standard? Are Human Rights to be held in less regard than Public Sanitation, or Garbage Disposal?

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