SAYUKI, Japan’s first Occidental NJ certified Geisha, offers special party rate to large groups of NJ clients


Hi All. SAYUKI, Japan’s first Occidental NJ certified Geisha, is offering special party rates to large groups of NJ clientele. This is a special deal, so if you’d like a glimpse into the Geisha artisan circles (and want to see what the cultural fuss is all about), book a group rate at a very special discount. An email from Sayuki follows, blogged with permission. Arudou Debito


Dear All,

Following my debut as the first white geisha in Japan, many people have asked me if I can set up an evening at a teahouse where their members can meet geisha.

I have been able to negotiate with one teahouse the following arrangement for groups of first-time foreigners to introduce you to the flower and willow world:

What: Evening at one of Tokyo’s most exclusive tea-houses
When: Either lunchtime or dinner time
Who: Your members and 3 geisha
Where: Asakusa

Ten or more: 12.300 yen per person
Twenty or more: 11,000 yen
Thirty or more: 10,000 yen

*Includes Japanese-style box lunch or dinner
*Does not include alcohol but you can order alcohol and pay separately

This is actually extremely cheap compared to normal prices.

Do let me know what you think.

I would appreciate it if you could pass this on to any other foreign societies in Tokyo that you think may be interested, or put them in contact with me.

I am looking forward to lots of gaijin support!


More on Sayuki on here

SAYUKI adds:

Actually, Japanese are welcome too…it is really a deal for first-timers to a tea-house. So far, some groups have been all foreigners, and some half Japanese half foreign. We have had foreign businessmen entertaining their Japanese counterparts, foreign residents entertaining visiting friends and relatives, foreign organisations and work parties, all kinds; its been a lot of fun.

14 comments on “SAYUKI, Japan’s first Occidental NJ certified Geisha, offers special party rate to large groups of NJ clients

  • Geishas are the expression of a maschilistic society. Vestiges of an antidemocratic society, dinosaurs bound to extinction. It appalls me that a western evolved woman can EVEN THINK viable to become a Geisha. Donald Keene and other famous Yamatologists have magnified what was just high-level prostitution and slavery. They trumpet the fact that Geishas could choose their lovers… which was OBVIOUSLY FALSE. If you were quite famous you could turn down somebody you didn`t like… but you couldn`t turn down just EVERYBODY. You could just hope somebody could rescue you.

  • Ok guys lets calm down a bit shall we. Its not like the bad old days where the girls were sold to the Okiyas when they were kids.
    Nothwithstanding the practices of the past I think youll find that nowadays Geisha and Maiko are highly paid professional women who do the job wholly of their own free choice.

    Dicrimination against Japanese!! The tea-houses in Kyoto are normally OFF-LIMITS to gaijin because of very strict rules where you have to be introduced to a tea-house by a regular members of the tea-house. That cuts of access to most foreigners who dont have those kind of connections.
    Not to mention that it costs 100,000 yen for a 2 hour party.

    Do you think that the Japan Rail Pass given to tourists is dicrimination against Japanese!!! No its a promotion designed to promote tourism. Its just a way to make this type of world accesible to people who would normally have no hope of getting into it.

    Everyone just cool down a little.

  • I have just read the comments above and am a little shocked. There is a history of prostituition and such, but what country does not have that type of thing?
    NJ are being offered a chance to see what all the fuss of a Geisha really is.
    I for one know that I could not afford the regular rates (I can barley even afford this “discounted rate”)
    I think that Sayuki knows the position of most NJ,like myself, and is putting out a special offer only. Have some respect. I notice you do not go after BIC camera for giving points of a higher percentage on the older products they want to shift, or the special promotional points offered on new products.

  • I would have called it good business sense myself :O offering custom at rates to interest a group of punters who normally wouldn’t be. Like “Woman’s Day” at ski fields or movie theaters 😉
    Surely the tea-houses discriminate against Japanese without the good connections too?

  • I would like to say that this is a fabulous opportunity and that anybody who is able to take advantage should without any hesitation! I know that i can gather 5-7 people, if anyone is interested in adding a few more people we should do our best to make that happen. Please contact Mr. Arudou if you are serious and I am sure he will agree to put us in contact with each other. Yoroshiku.

  • If I was her, I’d charge Japanese extra for the unique experience of being able to have a NJ geisha … good grief people! This is getting ridiculous!

  • Actually, Japanese are welcome too…it is really a deal for first-timers to a tea-house. So far, some groups have been all foreigners, and some half Japanese half foreign. We have had foreign businessmen entertaining their Japanese counterparts, foreign residents entertaining visiting friends and relatives, foreign organisations and work parties, all kinds; its been a lot of fun.

  • So many times I have heard (right here on this blog) similar excuses from Japanese businesses who discriminate against NJ’s, such as “it’s really to keep hooligans away” or “it’s to avoid legal troubles” etc. Mr. Arudou generally does not tolerate such excuses, and harshly criticize the fact that a discrimination based on race and/or nationality took place, period. Why that is not happening here is a big mystery, and I sincerely wish for an explanation by Mr. Arudou himself about this.

  • I take it you didn’t have the chance to read what Sayuki herself just said before adding this comment?

    “Actually, Japanese are welcome too…it is really a deal for first-timers to a tea-house”

    Explanation given.

  • Darridge,

    This blog entry was posed on Feburary 22, and Sayuki made the above comment almost six months later. And at the time, the deal was advertised as “for NJ”–not specifying that Japanese are also given the same offer–and Mr. Arudou endorsed that deal without any confrontation or a wish for a clarification. And during that time, he has made no comments on this matter. This is what disturbes me the most.

    It is only natural to specify that the deal is aimed for NJ’s–even if Japanese people are also given the same offer–since readers of this blog are mainly NJ’s. I wouldn’t criticize that unclarity on her part. But it is Mr. Arudou who should notice that unclarity as a possible discrimination and confront her on that matter. He did not, and still does not comment anything about it.

  • Sayuki san and all,

    I think some may have misunderstood the intent of Sayuki san as her offer is listed on Arudou san’s blog site. But actually I think this matter has nothing to do with Sayuki san’s offer. I think the discount is actually given to a large group and not to NJ clients. I double-checked her web site and found out the price in Japanese and that in English are exactly the same.

    By the way, most of tea houses and some very expensive restaurants have a “first-timer declined” principle, regardless of Japanese or non-Japanese origin. They often say it contributes to create intimate and comforting atmosphere but I personally think this is simply because they give more importance to regular customers (which seems correct in terms of business) rather than first-timers (which won’t probably visit again).

    * I am a actually a Japanese man having friends from all over the world and working as a tour guide for non-Japanese tourists.


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