Hi Blog. Here’s a PSA from my lawyer. Upcoming free legal assistance in Hokkaido at the beginning of next month. Not everyone can attend this, I know. But FYI. Debito in Sapporo
==Free Legal Consultation for NJ Workers==
The legal service network for non-Japanese, a group of experienced lawyers dedicated to supporting non-Japanese residents, will provide free legal consultation to NJ working and living in Hokkaido on labor issues such as wrongful termination, unpaid wages, discrimination, harassment, and injury in the workplace. If you would like to seek legal advice about what course of action to take, please feel free to give us a call or come in for a consultation.
Date: March 1st, 2009 (Sun) 10:00-15:00
How to Request a Consultation
– Consultation by Telephone
Please call 011- 272-8871 (The number is valid only for the day of consultation.)
– Consultation by Face to Face Meeting
Please come to the following place on the day. Reservations are not necessary.
Sapporo Bengoshi Bldg. 5F
Kita 1 Nishi 10, Chuo-ku, Sapporo
(3 min. on foot from Exit 4, Nishi 11-chome Subway Station)
Languages: Japanese, English and Chinese are available.
(For other languages, please be accompanied someone who can speak Japanese or English.)
Fees: Consultation is free of charge.
(If you choose to retain a lawyer, ensuring fees will be discussed at the time of retainment. For those who cannot afford a lawyer for financial reasons, Legal Aid is available.)
The legal service network for foreigners
c/o Hokkaido Godo Law Offices
Odori Nishi12, Chuou-ku, Sapporo
TEL 011-204-9535 FAX 011-204-9545
あなたは、理由のない解雇、給料・残業代の未払い、職場での差別や 嫌がらせなどで悩んでいませんか?
私たち、外国人法律支援ネットワークの弁護士が、雇用・労働に関する 皆さんからの相談をお受けし、適切なアドバイスをさせていただきます。 お気軽にお電話またはご来場ください。
● 日時 2009年3月1日(日)10時〜15時
【電話相談】 当日、時間内に下記番号にお電話をください。
011-272-8871 (当日のみの専用電話です)
【面接相談】 当日、下記の場所までお越しください(予約不要)。
札幌弁護士会館 5F(札幌市中央区北1条西10丁目)
● 対応可能言語 日本語・英語・中国語
● 相談料 無料
但し、具体的に事件処理を行う場合は別途費用が必要です。 なお、法律扶助制度がありますので、お金がないから弁護士に 依頼できないということはありません。
札幌市中央区大通西12丁目 北海道合同法律事務所内
TEL 011-204-9535FAX 011-204-9545
2 comments on “Free Legal Consultation for NJ workers March 1, Sapporo”
it seems like the only thing that the GOJ can offer a NJ when they lose there job is free japanese language training. sorry but japanese language training doesnt pay the rent or put food in my month etc..its called too little too late, and again the GOJ is out of touch with the reality of the employment situation in japan for NJ.
It’s creating the myth.
Whenever a foreign person has trouble in the job market, the reflex of the powers that be will say it is due to language deficiency.
I know many perfectly fluent gaikokujins and they have no trouble with the language. When something happens on the job, or to the job, yet another excuse is employed. Usually it goes to:
1) not willing to make the sacrifices necessary
2) not understanding and/or able to assimilate into the culture.
The point to keep in mind always, is that there will be one excuse after another. “Language” is an easy excuse, even in so many jobs where really ENGLISH is the key.
Oh, oh. And if you make too little, it’s that you are simply not pulling your weight and taking Japan’s resources.
If you make middle money, it’s that you’ve taken a perfectly good job away from a Japanese.
If you make good money, it’s that your either hagetaka capital or you are overpaid for whatever you are contributing to society. Plus a huge expense that would be better gotten rid of.
See the pattern?