Protest IC Chipped Gaijin Cards Tues June 2 anytime between 9AM-12:30PM, Diet Building, Tokyo


Hi Blog.  Here’s your last chance to protest the proposed IC Chipped Gaijin Cards, before they go through the Diet and bring us one step closer to the surveillance society by race and nationality.  Suggest you do it if you have the time.  Courtesy of NUGW Nambu labor union.  Arudou Debito


A sit-in will be held in front of the Diet Building on
Tuesday, June 2, from 9:00-12:30 a.m., to protest the
changes to immigration law which are being pushed through
parliament with little debate, and no consultation with
those directly affected by the laws.

Shugiin Dai 2 Giinkaikan (Second Members Office Building of
the House of Representatives)
Kokkai gijido mae Station: (Marunouchi line, Chiyoda line)
We will have banners and posters prepared. 
You can come for any length of time, between 9 and 12:30. 

For those who have never been at a sit-in at the Diet
building before: this is a recognized form of political
protest, and does not involve clashes with the police. 

If you would like to observe the Diet Committee meeting
held after the sit-in, please send us your name by noon on
Monday, June 1. 

Volunteers are needed to carry folding chairs and other
gear from Nambu to the Diet building early on Tuesday
morning. If you can help, please be at Nambu by 8:15 a.m.
on Tuesday morning. 

In solidarity,
Catherine Campbell
NUGW Tokyo Nambu


4 comments on “Protest IC Chipped Gaijin Cards Tues June 2 anytime between 9AM-12:30PM, Diet Building, Tokyo

  • Mark in Yayoi says:

    I wish I could attend this — this is one of the most important issues to affect immigrants (I hate to keep using the word “foreigners”) in many years, and the Diet wants to pass it without listening to any dissent!

    Give those Dietmembers the hairy eyeball as they enter the building! Get the word out to any media who happen to be nearby! Don’t let them get away with this!

  • Finally made the Japanese news:

    『ICカード『携帯ノー』 入管法改正案 国会前外国人ら座り込み』
    東京新聞 2009年6月2日 夕刊


  • Mark in Yayoi says:

    Props to the writer at the Tokyo Shimbun who used 外国籍住民 (residents of foreign nationality). That’s a word that all media should adopt.

  • I wish I was there but couldn`t make it. Anyway, I don`t believe 2 protests will change anything. Foreigners are foreigners without right in this country ENDS! Maybe when someone give some “hard yen” to right politicians (sponsor party is called…) then it might work. Corruption works in Japan, but not sure whether money from foreigners will do the job.


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