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Hello Blog. I’m going back to vacationing Originally, I said that I would be doing so until April. I broke that promise to myself because of the emergency — an unforeseen perfect-storm crisis of earthquake-tsunami-nuclear accident — that has plunged my country into debilitation on many levels. However, I’m going back into hibernation and a much-needed break. It’s been tough blogging about this event. It has brought out the worst in some of the most loyal and supportive Commenters, who have decided to impugn my very character, despite the fact I’m doing what I’ve always done: raised issues that were on my mind and that I thought deserved attention and discussion.
My fundamental attitude towards the Fukushima Crisis:
We as a people were always promised by The State that nuclear power was safe. The promise was for full containment of dangerous materials and zero emissions of radiation. Zero. That promise has been broken.
I am not one to compromise on this because of the nature of radiation. I don’t care how many millisieverts are a tolerable level or are equivalent to a chest X-ray etc. Or how many millisieverts per hour are now an acceptable dose, since radiation exposure is a cumulative process (and especially since The State feels it can adjust the minimum tolerable levels for its workers out of mere political exigency).
We have been kept largely ignorant of the process and the dangers of nuclear power for generations. Even now, we been kept in the dark about this very crisis as it unfolded. It has led to us filling the information gaps ourselves, often with speculation instead of sufficient data to make an informed decision about how to react to the nuclear reactions.
This is not what we as a people signed up for. I will not compromise with anything other than zero emissions because that necessarily leads to matters of degree, sliding scales, and dangerous tendencies towards compromise, as our land and food chain becomes irradiated for who knows how long.
Based upon that attitude, I raised issues that were on my mind on, and as always offered a venue to minority and contrarian voices. I have done this for decades. There was nothing uncharacteristic about that.
This time, however, people who were otherwise level-headed commentators here over the years went out of their way to impugn my character — no longer restricting disagreements to the points raised — personally accusing me of trying to hurt people and scaremonger, even hawk books.
Usually I can take it — there are people out there who hate the fact that I still draw air; but I don’t expect a fair hearing from them. But when it comes from otherwise rational people in irrational times, sorry, but that hurts. I feel the need to go back to my break.
I am trying to help. Always have. But this crisis is affecting us all on some level and in many ways unpredictably. But is not nuclear fallout, and I resent it being treated as such. The criticisms in my view should be directed at The State and the organizations that allowed people like TEPCO, once again, to get us into this mighty fine mess.
May people find the sense to level their sights on them instead, elsewhere, instead of shooting the messenger.
Arudou Debito
39 comments on “Going back to vacationing despite this time of crisis; my reasons why”
Can understand why you need a break. people need someone to take anger out on and as most due they take it out on the wrong person. do not believe at all you are trying to scare people. But they need to realize the truth and face it. Governments dont take the blame for anything even when its proved to be their fault. Well no government is perfect and if they so want the people to believe in what they are doing then maybe its time they fess up and come clean and admit they were not right in what they did. Is better to own up and admit things werent done right then to hide behind some curtain and deny what has happened.
You should not be critized for speaking your mind or finding facts out and reporting them. Maybe if more people searched for the truth instead of hiding they would relize you are trying to help the people so they can help themselves. People have become to scared of the ones that run governments and this is why the government has such a deep hold on everything.
Hope you come back to blogging eventually because the people need to know the things you write about.
So keep up the good work. There are alot of people who believe in you and do listen. tragedy brings out a mean side sometimes to those we think are rational.
I, for one, have always welcomed all your opinions, even if I don’t agree with some of them You have been a good sport in keeping the blog updated nonstop for god knows how long.
I hope you have a good, well-deserved 休憩, Debito.
Debito, I think you remember me from February’s “Naturalized Japanese: foreigner’s no more” post where I presented my concerns about your article and you dished out a good amount of personal insults toward me despite my earnest intentions (but I think you just assumed I was a troll). Reading your post here, I think you’re finding yourself in the position I was in. You’re just trying to help and contribute to the discussion, but voices you respected assumed the worst in you and attacked you personally. You say it hurts coming from people you thought were rational, and yet you told me to grow up and develop a thicker skin after you insinuated I was on drugs. Not sure what to say exactly. I guess my point is, I know how you feel and I hope you can realize that we’re all guilty of this sort of thing sometimes.
I think we all need to acknowledge that this disaster has frayed nerves to say the least. For my part, I live on the coast in Iwate. Thanks to topography and some awesome tsunami protection walls, my town was spared from any casualties. That said, I witnessed the tsunami with my own eyes, and my wife lost her uncle and grandfather in her hometown, which we visited last week to deliver food and supplies. This disaster has affected me very personally and I feel a wide range of emotions. Fear is a big one, and sadness, but also joy to be alive and a sense that my family and I are ultimately better off for the experience. These are very conflicting, confusing emotions, and I know I’m not the only one. It’s only been a week. I think a lot of commenters here, as well as probably you yourself, are still trying to make sense of it all.
In regards to the Fukushima nuclear crisis, people fall between fearing the worst and hoping for the best. Whatever people feel about it, it’s a question of life or death. That’s why it’s such a volatile issue. For Debito, you just don’t want the danger to be minimized lest additional lives be lost. For others, they just don’t want to feel more fear than they already do if it’s not completely justified (personally I fall on this side). Both are reasonable reactions, but they happen to clash. Extraordinary circumstances makes for extraordinarily heated criticism. We shouldn’t make it personal, nor take it personally.
That said, I’d advise you avoid the science and keep the blog to the NJ human rights issues that people come here for.
Rest assured, I only said to move on because A: I personally feel that the victims need more focusing and B: I was seeing what was happening, so I wanted to stop it. Of course, this isn’t my blog, so I shouldn’t be bossing you around. Anyway, enjoy the rest of your break.
Good choice D. I took a year off to prepare for retirement. Time away is seldom bad. I’ve never regretted it. “Well Done, O Good and Faithful Servant!” (The world will turn without you, and nobody’s blog will affect tomorrow’s sunrise!)
I hope you come back refreshed and focussing on the issues where you have valuable expertise and contribution to make.
BTW, coal power stations generate plenty of radioactive waste (ash), and there are areas of the UK where even the soil exceeds the legal limits for hazardous waste just due to natural background radiation. Zero is a rhetorical soundbite, not physical reality. That said, the Fukushima problem is clearly a serious one that exposes worrying failures in management.
This is good desicion, I think. We all need to take a break-seriously.All of us. We are exhausted of the ammount of info we suddenly got, and of the experience-and some of us simply already lack strenght to take the challenge and make desicions for themselves. The frustration, which came of this ” I want and I must do something but don’t know what “, the fact that now everyone has to make a probably life-and-death choise fast, but there’s so much contradicting info, just dives us crazy.
I presonally am twice hibakusha-once from Chernobyl, when the poisonous cloud contaminated everything and the socialist government then hid information from us, and second time when the US army used bombs with depleted uranium in Yugoslavia, and some common rivers brought the radiation to us. I know what to do to protect myself, and have the experience and knowledge to avoid the danger, without fleeing Japan. I suggest that everyone, instead living glued to TV and internet, to take a break,borrow some books from the library, educate themselves and then everything will seem clearer, and everyone will be able to calm down and know what to do.
I hope you’ll be back soon. This country needs a contrarian voice to all the BS we get fed on a regular basis. You are that.
It’s a pathetic reflection on the ability of others to form a coherent argument that they critique you as opposed to your views. It’s the mark of a hateful child, honestly.
I’ll miss your insights, even the ones I disagree with. Onward, soldier.
Debito, the people who support and defend you the most often are also the best placed to tell you in cold sobriety that you’ve made an error of judgement. Good friends are people who feel able to do both, and I count myself as one of those people.
You are right to call into question what the government does and says. This is what you have done superbly for years, and you have done this well because you have always given credit to the Japanese government too – where its been due. You have been, as the saying goes, ‘fair and balanced’, and your good reputation is based on that track record.
On this issue, however, you have not applied the same critical eye to your sources as you have to the Japanese government, and you have not given equal weight and measure to the overwhelming amount of publically available, indepedently-sourced evidence out there that counters your sources.
In this instance this error of judgement may also have tangible, negative consequences for the community you serve, in the form of the creation of hysteria and panic, and the diversion of attention and resources away from where it is most needed.
I wish you all the best, and hope that second novel is coming along. I’m looking forward to getting back to reading the first one.
I’m sorry about the crap you’ve taken because of you’ve posted recently. I think you’ve done both Japan as well as NJ an invaluable service. And I *will* buy “In Appropriate” later—after I make a donation to the International Red Cross.
I am really angry with the government and TEPCO. I hope the people in charge of safety, inspecting, regulating, setting standards, etc. do some serious jail time.
Take it easy, Debito.
Debito, I’m not sure if you are aware, but the Nuclear Energy industry is one of the more criticized energy industries, where no matter if an earthquake outside any scale hits, and a subsequent mega tsunami, no error is acceptable.
As you yourself said, you don’t care if radiation is as bad as anyone says, and if it doesn’t affect you at all, you are still going to complain, even thou any other non nuclear contamination that could potentially be dangerous and is an everyday occurrence apparently doesn’t have the same urgency and scrutiny level.
But the truth is that it is safer, your assertion that it isn’t is comparable to saying that air travel is not as safe as anyone says because there are plane crashes, when, if you see the statistics, can clearly see that it is still safer.
The same is with nuclear. Just look at the statistics of people dieing on nuclear related accidents against oil related accidents, and also the number and frequency of nuclear accidents.
And this accident was NOT a human error, this was a once in a lifetime event outside all the scales. You can argue that they should have been prepared for something like this, but then again if that is so they should also be prepared for a meteorite strike or a new volcano suddenly forming on the site, because that also could happen.
Debito don’t go! We need you! Well, take a rest and see you in April!
I am only new to your site and am sorry to hear that you are going to take a break. I think there is such a wealth of information on your site for anyone interested in Japan or affected by ingrained attitudes or laws that cause so much trouble and pain.
I am a father who lost his 2 children 3 years ago when his Japanese wife took them to Japan. I think your blog and your writing highlight this issue. I hope you will be back at it again soon.
David Morgan
Then critique the source(s) Steve. Jeez. Isn’t that what we do here most of the time?
I have been reading Debito for years without ever posting a comment. But reading the obnoxious responses to his post here made me rub my eyes in disbelief.
Debito is completely correct in his assessment. Good for him — it’s better to be aware of the danger than to deny it. Take it from someone who has lived through a civil war.
Anyone who argues that there will be no major consequences to this is deluded or has his stakes in the nuclear power industry.
If they want to sacrifice their own lives to the gods of “clean nuclear energy” (in Japan of all places!), fine, they are entitled to it. But the consequence of their words and actions is that other people’s lives are endangered (in this case, millions) — and that’s intolerable.
Sorry to see you go and hope to see you back refreshed and coming back swinging. Actually the crappy old GE boilers have proved themselves robust despite the insanity and hubris of placing the backup systems in a vulnerable position.
But the reactors themselves are just a trivial issue in one sense compared to the legacy we are building for ourselves. If most of the lessons that need to be learned about safeguarding these poisonous beasts from polluting us now are learned, it’s actually much worse for our species in the long run. Japan’s plutonium bureaucracy will no doubt be able to turn the Fukushima troubles into an excuse to invest trillions of yen into more safety improvements, retrofitting, replacement reactors, etc. etc. Oh, I hope not…
This movie I am linking to deliberately pushes the fear buttons. But more importantly, I urge anyone with a bit of time to spare to keep on watching as the movie gets beyond the media presentation and asks the hard questions that needs to be asked- clearly, simply, and directly by the people in whom we are trusting the future of our species, 100 or 1,000 generations from now. If the answers (or lack of them) don’t alarm you, just carry on. It’s not your shit anyway, is it.
Hi Debito, just wanted to file one more thing on your blog. This is the PR version. The comments below are instructive! Anyone who isn’t a shill or a flack or a paid-up moron can immediately start figuring out that we are potentially committing species suicide with this nuclear shit. It really really beggars belief. This “FINAL” disposal site only deals with the deadly toxic garbage from a couple of reactors.
“Final” disposal. Idiots. Arrogant idiots.
The worst hasn’t been brought out of people as you state. We have only pointed out that you published a panic-induced article, consisting of hearsay, provided by a source you will not name.
Forty years of nuclear power in Japan and a population that was happy to receive energy from such a source. Then when an accident occurs, suddenly nuclear power is unsafe. Kind of like driving for 40 years without an accident then being involved in a serious accident and deciding that driving is unsafe. That’s my opinion, at least.
For lunch today, I’ll have a handful of spinach salad with a glass of milk or maybe an egg and some Tokyo tap water. If tomorrow is sunny, I might get on my bike and try to find a portable radiation monitoring post that I saw is set-up somewhere here in Setagaya Ward. I’ll send you photos. Ja ne.
— Enjoy.
Have a break. Take it easy. You’ll know when it is time to resurface. Look after yourself. Thanks for the blog.
Japan is an earthquake zone, building 54 nuclear reactors under private control is pure folly and egotism of it’s leaders in their quest to emulate the west and raise living standards on the cheap.”First world toys..”
Now all of us in the Asian region are all counting the cost.
Japan should/should have returned to their natural past; Thailand is poorer, but happier, was never colonized and never colonized anyone else. Now the Thais have decided to not go the nuclear route and good for them.
Debito does a good job and needs a rest, I curse those who have attacked him for little or no reason, kind of like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
And this accident was NOT a human error, this was a once in a lifetime event outside all the scales. You can argue that they should have been prepared for something like this, but then again if that is so they should also be prepared for a meteorite strike or a new volcano suddenly forming on the site, because that also could happen.
This is hokum. Units 1-4 were GE designs hurriedly dropped 200 miles of open ocean from a subduction fault with 10,000 miles of moving plate behind it and a long history of major seismic events, including tsunamis.
This was an accident waiting to happen. TEPCO rolled the dice here, and they lost.
After the Indonesian EQ of 2004 it should have been clear to TEPCO and its government oversight that Japan’s coastal reactors needed to be hardened to survive that standard — Aceh was wiped out by 24M waves.
At the very least Japan’s coastal power plants need to have their backup power supply hardened. The government recently announced that they will be hardening the Hamaoka plant in this way, which utterly destroys the argument that this was an unavoidable catastrophe like a meteor or volcano.
The faults of the Fukushima-I plant were many:
1) Diesel fuel tanks located at dockside, with only a low secondary seawall for protection.
2) Generators and electrical switching room at ground level (or basement level in some reports)
3) Operators reportedly focused too much on #2’s spent fuel pool and left other issues to develop into crises
4) Reports that #1 was allowed to lose reactor coolant after either the pump truck powering the seawater injection ran out of fuel, or the cooling water supply pool was allowed to empty.
5) Not getting help onsite before things started going out of control. Unit 4 had no active reactor, yet its spent fuel pool was allowed to boil off and generate hydrogen that eventually caused a major fire. Had TEPCO brought fire rescue to the scene sooner they could have saved Unit 4.
6) Unrepaired design fault in the Mark I containment. GE and the NRC required domestic operators of this design to add a ‘hardened vent’ to be able to vent hydrogen out of the torus chamber. Japan didn’t, and they have two compromised suppression chambers as a result, including 1 than really blew up well (Unit 3).
Power generator to be set up at high ground at Hamaoka atomic plant
SHIZUOKA, Japan, March 22, 2011 Kyodo
Chubu Electric Power Co. said Tuesday it will set an emergency diesel generator at high ground on its Hamaoka nuclear power plant premises in Omaezaki, Shizuoka Prefecture, in case of power loss due to tsunami.
The announcement was made in the wake of an ongoing nuclear crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant where emergency power sources, needed to cool down nuclear fuel, were crippled by tsunami.
The Nagoya-based utility also said it will have a training session to use a newly introduced emergency generator vehicle at the Hamaoka plant’s No. 3 reactor, which has been under five-month regular checkups since November. Resumption of the reactor will be delayed as the training will take at least one week, it added.
Hang in there. You do good things and have a big heart. Don’t let the haters get to you, I’m pretty sure they hate themselves more than anyone. You’re a good man.
I do wish though, that Debito or someone (maybe me) would write something about how the crisis has in fact CONSOLIDATED the old cliches of the “gaijin” as the eternal other.
1. Japan is “hard” or tough for gaijin to live in.
2. Gaijin will “leave” and do not have “loyalty” to Japan.
It goes like this, gaikokujin companies pull out of Tokyo, Japanese companies dont. According to one Thai newspaper, “The Nation” “the Japanese dont panic because they ve been living with earthquakes all their lives…one man living 50 Km near Fukushima said he would not move unless the government told him to”.
My position as the sole gaijin without even permanent residence in a Japanese company with a non Japanese wife who wanted to leave immediately, meant that I was torn between the two, but inclining towards believing the western media and experts more than TEPCO and the Japanese Govt.
My boss made all the employees work as usual every day, he didnt even supply us with earthquake “bozai sets” which may be mandatory. All he really cared about is his clients, and when I left, I was made to feel very guilty for “deserting” them.
It seems to me that for some a “good” gaijin is the one who accepts the hardship along with the Japanese, but without the benefits of a Japanese. Witness the British teacher on the BBC saying “I ve been in Japan for two years, so I cannot leave my students” and wonder at the naive misplaced loyalty of some. What about his family in the UK? Has he written them off for a roomful of strangers he is being paid to teach?
I m sure one day he will be rewarded for that loyalty with a pat on the back.
— The topic of “what makes a good NJ in the eyes of Japan” is very germane to I hope you will write something up for here once it comes out of vacation.
I think what you have to realize is that when you are choosing which information goes into your blogs, allowing people to contribute anonymously, endorsing those anonymous comments and adding your own opinions to them, you are no longer the messenger. You are making the message.
A messenger would be more the sort of person who just constantly reposts an endless stream of news without concerning themselves with how the facts presented in the news fit with your website’s agenda as a whole. No editorializing, no filtering, and no soliciting of exclusive interviews.
So that means you are making the message, and people have every right (a responsibility even) to hold you accountable for your message if your message does not give clear, reliable, confirmable information.
— Not everything I put up here matches my opinion. I am very careful to separate my opinion from that of other contributors. I don’t think you understand how this blog works, or furthermore the nature of blogging.
Take care of yourself Debito 🙂
Debito – come back soon. Your site is one of my daily calls. May not agree with everything but that`s not the point – it is always thought-provoking.
Joe, take the point and pull your head in. Debito put other sources and accepts comments that differ from his opinion as a matter of routine to spark debate.
On JonHolmes point, I work in the ALT dispatch industry, and the B of Es seem to think that all the gaijin have abandoned Japan and gone home because of this crisis, when in reality, it’s March, and statistically the rate of people leaving is only marginally higher than any other March. Their ignorance to the life status of foreign staff they “employ” is staggering. Simple closed minded attitudes.
We’re all adults and this idea we’re too alarmist or not alarmist *enough* should be rejected.
You know things have reached their worst when Gregory Clark starts making sense:
Maybe I’m just overly concerned and susceptible to arguments I would normally reject.
The more people out there going through the media reports, especially in Japanese, and looking for valuable chunks of information, the better. As if this issue didn’t affect foreigners … but if we don’t take care of ourselves first how can we help others. Anyway, if you start blogging again again, whatever it’s about, you’ll have my attention.
Matt D,
Yes, I agree, I think Gregory Clark really put his finger on one of the points- complacency and arrogance of Japan’s “plutonium bureaucracy” as it was called in an article I read a few years back.
I was dealing with a Homusho official dealing with various lawsuits by local people who didn’t want a “nuclear facility” on their doorstep “somewhere in the north” (you got it, right?) and he was insulting and sneering about the opposition- calling local people “pettyfogging opportunists” and “selfish” and “ignorant.”
His attitude was stunning. The sheer arrogance of the man was blinding. Rather than address their concerns, his attitude was that this was a lousy waste of his time dealing with cockroaches/ swatting flies – the people of his own country.
A couple of months ago I had an argument with my boss about nuclear power in Japan- I said it was national suicide to place inherently highly toxic and complicated machines that if they went wrong had the capability of causing global scale pollution in a country which is built on a jigsaw of seismic faults. The answer was of course it’s safe, our technology and safety culture and systems are all up to it.
Oh yeah? Really? Uh-uh. Mmm.
So I said…well if the reactors are so safe, why don’t you build one in Tokyo.
No answer.
Debito, for me your blog is one of the most interesting and informative sites going. You have been doing a wonderful job for many years. Don’t let the bas***ds get you down! Come back soon after a good rest!
Just when I needed your take on the crisis, you decide to retire.
Don’t care what all those folks say about you (don’t read them anyway)–yer a good guy.
I’ve always maintained that nuclear power plants should be built in Hiroshima Park, just to remind the people what can happen when things go wrong.
Thank you for everything you have done to provide me with information for the past 3 and a half years. Much to my wife’s disapproval of your content, I still frequent here daily. You are a great service not just to the gaikokujin community, but to Japan as a whole. I’ll keep my chip up if you do. As they say where I come from: “F*ck the haters.”
God speed, brother.
Debito your an excellent person and as a nothing against you and have not intent to slander you and I apologize if you feel I am.
I just don’t understand the logic of it. Do you ask for zero emissions from smog? Smog kills far FAR more people world wide then radioactive pollution from nuclear power and nuclear accidents, Up to 300,000 people a year[1]! Yet even using Green Peace’s estimates[2] on Chernobylo’s death toll it would require more then one Chernobyl disaster EVERY YEAR to match the deathtoll that burning coal, oil and even natural gas cause world wide per year.
Perhaps you mean your angry at your government lieing to you? That is a valid and riotous complaint and I have nothing against it, but would you feel better had instead of nuclear power your government had chosen to purchase oil and coal power plants, polluting your air and killing far more of your country men then will die from this nuclear accident?
this place isnt the same with debito about-we need him here specially in this time of crisis..
come back debito-you are making japan a better place
An interesting read about what is (still) going on…
I recall a few weeks ago when one of your critics posted that a mere 300 Microsieverts of radiation was nothing to get upset about. Now, a short time later, with radiation flowing into the ocean with more than 1,000 millisieverts per hour of radiation, your critic looks like a fool, indeed. The radiation measuring devices peg out at 1,000 millisieverts, so they really don’t know (or aren’t saying) how high the radiation actually is, but it is clearly at least 3,000 times higher than the number cited by your critic. And the end of the crisis is nowhere in sight.
In the history of nuclear power, there had been three reactor “incidents” resulting in a meltdown of core elements. Now that number has doubled to six in one fell swoop. Let the doubters eat their words. They were grossly misinformed and overly optimistic. As they say, “Even one nuclear accident can ruin your whole day.”