小樽温泉訴訟 小樽市を相手取る控訴
2003年9月4日 午前10:30〜午前11:15
第二口頭弁論 札幌高等裁判所にて
原告 有道 出人 著
(注意:この訴訟は控訴二つに分けられました。背景はここです。このサイトは被告小樽市を相手取る控訴についてです。被告温泉「湯の花」が原告3人を相手取る控訴の案内サイトはここです。(原告カートハウス オラフ担当)
9月4日 札幌高等裁判所で第二回口頭弁論報告(弁護士 東澤 靖 著)
第二口頭弁論に提出した陳述書(有道 出人 著)(ページダウン)
第二口頭弁論に提出した意見書(カートハウス オラフ 著)は(ページダウン)
意見書(棟居 快行 成城大学法学部教授 著)
9月4日 札幌高等裁判所で第2回期日開催
有道 出人 著
2003年9月4日、札幌高等裁判所 第二回口頭弁論
私は当訴訟の原告の一人であり又、小樽市を相手取る当控訴においてただ一人の原告、有道 出人(あるどう でびと)と申します。高等裁判所において、私の時間をいただきました事を感謝致します。ありがとうございます。今までの争点、相違点などを改めて私なりにご説明する事が、この機会に応える事ではないかと思い、そのようにさせていただきます。
外務省のウェブサイトはhttp://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/kiyaku/2c2_001.html でご覧下さい)の中、こう述べました:
「 11.委員会は、客観的な基準を欠き、規約第26条に抵触する、『合理的な差別』の概念の曖昧さに懸念を有する。委員会は、この概念を擁護するため締約国により主張された議論は、第3回報告の検討の際に主張され、委員会が受け入れられないと判断したものと同様であることを認める。 」
いえ、国連も日本の司法官の判決を鑑みて、日本を批判しております。例えば、2001年3月20日付の人種差別の撤廃に関する委員会 第58会期 人種差別の撤廃に関する委員会の最終見解
(CERD/C/58/CRP. CERD/C/58/Misc.17/Rev.3 外務省のウェブページよりhttp://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/gaiko/jinshu/saishu.html)では、こういう懸念を現しました。
Olaf Karthaus
これに関連する事例として、2003年3月に、ドイツ自由民主党(FDP)所属議員Juergen Moellemannは、反ユダヤ主義ビラ広告の印刷発注が原因で、已む無く議員を辞職しました。世論の圧力、党内の圧力が徐々に高まり、同氏は、最終的に辞任に追い込まれました。
小樽温泉訴訟 小樽市を相手取る控訴
第二口頭弁論 札幌高等裁判所に提出した証拠書類(抜粋)
準 備 書 面(1)
控訴人 有道出人
被控訴人 小樽市
弁 護 士 東澤 靖
弁 護 士 西村武彦
弁 護 士 芝池俊輝
弁 護 士 浅井 正
弁 護 士 伊藤和夫
弁 護 士 上柳敏郎
弁 護 士 大谷美紀子
弁 護 士 薦田伸夫
弁 護 士 佐藤博文
弁 護 士 田岡直博
弁 護 士 高崎 暢
弁 護 士 田中貴文
弁 護 士 出牛徹郎
弁 護 士 外山太士
弁 護 士 中西義徳
弁 護 士 中村順英
弁 護 士 西村正治
弁 護 士 丹羽雅雄
弁 護 士 野村和造
弁 護 士 羽柴 駿
弁 護 士 日隅一雄
弁 護 士 藤本美枝
弁 護 士 古本晴英
弁 護 士 水野英樹
弁 護 士 渡辺達生
札幌高等裁判所第3民事部 御中
本準備書面では,小樽市内にある湯の花が「Japanese Only」(日本人専用)という掲示をし,その掲示によって複数の入浴拒否が現実に発生し外国人の人権が侵害された事実を小樽市が知りながら漫然放置したことが発端で,道内などの他の地方都市でも日本人専用の看板が掲示され,外国人に対する入浴拒否,入店拒否という重大な人権侵害が行われた事実を明らかにするとともに,他方人種差別の問題性を理解した地方自治体の中には条例などを制定して外国人に対する差別を禁止するところも多数存在している事実を明らかにする。そして小樽市が外国人差別を禁止する条例を制定するための立法事実が存在していたにも関わらず,条例を制定しなかった不作為の違法性を明らかにする。
第1 小樽市が「Japanese Only」という差別表現・差別行為を放置したことで,そのような行為・表示が地方に波及した事実
1 平成4年12月の北海道新聞小樽版には,全国中学生人権作文コンテスト札幌大会で優秀賞を受賞した小樽市北山中学の女生徒の作文が紹介されていた。女生徒はロシア人に対する悪い噂だけでロシア人に対する偏見を持つことが問題であるということを指摘した。
2 港近くに開設された「オスパ」が「Japanese Only」(外国人お断り)という表示を店頭にしたのが平成5(1993)年である。開設は平成4年7月であるが,当時は外国人も利用できていた(乙ロ14)が,日本人から苦情が出たという理由で日本人専用という掲示をした。
3 このように,平成4年頃には,すでに小樽市内ではロシア人に対する噂,誤解,偏見が存在していた。そしてそのような偏見を助長するかのような「Japanese Only」という表示の下外国人の入浴を拒否する動きが表面化した。「オスパ」に続いて,「パノラマ」でも同様の日本人専用の表示がなされるに至った。
4 なお,平成10年3月13日の北海道新聞小樽版には「小樽とロシア人」という記事がある。その記事によれば,小樽市塩谷在住の畠山さんは港で知り合ったロシア人を自宅に招き,夕食の後銭湯に連れていくという内容であった。畠山さんが港から上陸する外国人と友好を交わすようになったのは80年代からであるから,銭湯などにいく外国人の多くは入浴のマナーを守って入浴していたのであり,ほとんどの外国人が入浴マナーを守る人であることが小樽市民の間では公知の事実だった。
従って,平成4年頃に市内に蔓延していた悪い噂,誤解というものが,日本の公衆浴場での入浴マナーを知らない極一部のロシア人船員の存在によって,更なる誤解と偏見を生み出し,「Japanese Only」という人種差別を助長し人種に対する更なる偏見を生み出す表記が掲げられたと見るべきであるが,問題はそのような人種差別と偏見を助長する表示や市内の動きに対し,被控訴人小樽市が放置に放置を重ねていたという事実である。「Japanese Only」という表記の放置が平成5年から少なくとも5年以上なされており、また小樽市内ではロシア人の一部に対する根深い偏見と誤解が存在していたこと,海外から多数の外国人客を観光に訪れる観光都市であることから,差別を助長する表記や言動などを是正する指針などを打ち出す義務が小樽市にあったことは明らかである。
5 ところで,湯の花が営業開始となる1年ほど前,札幌に住んで5年目という札幌で貿易会社を経営する訴外サイモンが,大滝村にある「かわせみ」という温泉に日帰り入浴をしようとした際,「以前外国人のお客様でトラブルを起こした方がいる」という理由で入浴を拒否されるということが発生した。そこで訴外サイモンは平成9年12月24日,大滝村村長と村議会に対し人種差別のない施設のリストの提供を求めるなどした。これに対し,平成10年2月17日,大滝村の舘林村長が非礼を詫びるなどした(甲49)。
この小さな村にある「かわせみ」での入浴拒否は「Japanese Only」という表示に基づかないものではあったが,道内の入浴施設で外国人を排除するという重大な人権侵害が発生していた事実を示すと共に,人権を侵害された外国人からの重大な指摘といえる。
6 平成10年7月12日,小樽市手宮に「小樽天然温泉 湯の花」がオープンした。湯の花は小樽の著名な観光地である国定公園の祝津海岸に向かう海岸道路ぞいにあり,観光施設である手宮地区の鉄道記念館,古代文字・鱗友市場といった観光地からも歩いて数分の個所に設置され,外国人を含む観光客の利用なども想定された場所に立地されていた。
ところが平成10年7月にオープンした湯の花は,その後玄関前に「Japanese Only」という掲示物を張り出した。この掲示物は明確な外国人差別の表記であるが,小樽市はその差別的な表記をした掲示物の掲示を放置した。そのため湯の花では入浴拒否が頻発したが,小樽市はそれに対しても適切な対応を行わずにきた。
このように外国人の多くがマナーを遵守する人々であることを小樽市は知っていながら,「Japanese Only」(日本人専用)という差別的表示の掲示行為を禁止し,外国人の入浴拒否を禁止する具体的な措置や指針を示す条例の制定をしなかった違法は明らかである。後述するように国内には多数の人種差別を禁止する条例が存在するのである。
7 一審で原告の一人であったカートハウスオラフが,友人とともに稚内にある「遊らん銭」という名称の温泉を訪問した際,「遊らん銭」の支配人は外国人は入浴できないと発言し,日本人のみの入浴を許可し,外国人の入浴を拒否した(甲48の3参照)。日本人の妻をもち長年日本で生活している訴外オラフが「入浴のルールを守ることはできます」と発言したにも関わらず,支配人は拒否の姿勢を崩さなかった。そして支配人は「小樽市でも入浴拒否はしているではないですか」と入浴拒否の根拠として「湯の花」の「Japanese Only」の掲示とそれに対する小樽市の姿勢をあげた。
このように,「Japanese Only」という湯の花の差別表記,そしてその差別表記と外国人への入浴拒否という行為に対し,小樽市が何らの有効な対策を採用することなく放置したことが,地方都市の民間業者をして差別的表記を掲げさせ,公然と外国人差別を行う理由としてあげられていった。
8 青森県三沢市は駐留米軍が存在する街で有名であるが,三沢市のスナックにも「Japanese Only」という掲示が掲げられるようになった(甲48の1,2)。その事実を聞いた控訴人が店の店長に何故そのような掲示をするのか質問したところ,「小樽でも行っているから許されると思った」と述べた。
9 一審で原告の一人であったオラフや控訴人の調査によれば,そのような日本人オンリーの掲示をしている銭湯,温泉は紋別,大滝村にも存在し,稚内の理髪店,秋田や紋別,そして沖縄のバー・居酒屋にも存在している。そしてそれらの店がそのような掲示をするようになったのは,湯の花の「Japanese Only」という掲示が行政当局から処罰されることなくそのまま放置されていたことにヒントを得たというものである。
10 このように小樽市は「日本人専用」という差別的表記が広がる起点になったのみではなく,外国人の入浴拒否・入店拒否という差別行為を是認する起点・シンボルにもなっている現実がある。この点に鑑みても,小樽市の責任を明らかである。
第2 外国人差別を禁止する条例の存在
1 ところで,外国人に対する差別を条例などで禁止している地方自治体はかなりの数に上っている。そのうちにいくつかを例に挙げ,小樽市の不作為を明確にする。
2 平成8年7月1日,草津市は草津市人権擁護に関する条例を制定した(甲43の2)。この条例は「日本国憲法,世界人権宣言を基本理念として,在日外国人等に対するあらゆる差別をなくし,市と市民および滞在者が協調して人権意識の高揚を図る」ことなどを制定趣旨としている。
その制定に先だって平成8年6月の定例議会で,草津市長は「今日まで市民憲章や『ゆたかな草津 人権と平和を守る都市』宣言等による取り組みを行ってきたにもかかわらず,部落差別をはじめ,障害者,女性,在日外国人等に対する人権侵害の事象が発生していることや,21世紀のキーワードは「人権」とも言われ,国の内外においても人権尊重の取り組みが始まっていることなどから,市民一人ひとりの不断の努力によって,一日も早くお互いの人権が擁護されるまちを築くためのものでございまして,本条例案が人権全般にわたる基本条例であると位置づけをいたしております。したがいまして,条例を制定することによりまして,市民等に対する啓発効果が今以上に高まり,人権尊重の社会的醸成に一層プラスになると考えています」と述べ条例制定の意義を述べている。
このように草津市は すでに市民憲章や『ゆたかな草津 人権と平和を守る都市』宣言等があるが,更なる人権擁護のため条例を制定した。
3 神奈川県の川崎市では,平成8年外国人市民代表者会議の提言をしている。そこではニューカマ―ズの存在を踏まえた提言がなされているが,偏見や差別のない地域社会を作るためというテーマの下で,衣食住の問題が検討されている(甲42の1)。更に平成12年3月24日には,川崎市住宅基本条例が制定され,「外国人であることをもって市内の民間賃貸住宅への入居の機会が制限されることがあってはならない」(同条例14条)と定められ(甲42の2),人種による差別を禁じた。なお,同種の住宅基本条例は東京都,新宿区(甲45,46)などにも存在している。
4 大阪府でも平成10年10月30日,大阪府人権尊重の社会づくり条例が制定された(甲44)。この条例は「今日もなお人種などに起因する人権侵害が存在し」ていることに鑑み制定されている。そして府の責務を明らかにすると共に,府民の人権意識の高揚を図るための施策及び人権擁護に資する施策の推進を基本となる事項を定め,これに基づき人権施策を実施することを目的としている。
5 平成13年10月19日,「地域共生」についての浜松宣言がある(甲47)。これはニューカマ―が多数居住する13都市の市長が共同宣言したものであるが,互いの文化,価値観に対する理解と尊重の必要性などをうたっている。
6 このように,小樽市以外の多くの地方自治体は,各地域において入居差別をはじめとする外国人に対する様々な差別事例が社会問題化するたびに,それに敏感に対応し,容易に宣言・条例を制定してきたのである。
準 備 書 面(2)
控訴人 菅原有道出人
被控訴人 小樽市
弁 護 士 東澤 靖
弁 護 士 西村武彦
弁 護 士 芝池俊輝
弁 護 士 浅井 正
弁 護 士 伊藤和夫
弁 護 士 上柳敏郎
弁 護 士 大谷美紀子
弁 護 士 薦田伸夫
弁 護 士 佐藤博文
弁 護 士 田岡直博
弁 護 士 高崎 暢
弁 護 士 田中貴文
弁 護 士 出牛徹郎
弁 護 士 外山太士
弁 護 士 中西義徳
弁 護 士 中村順英
弁 護 士 西村正治
弁 護 士 丹羽雅雄
弁 護 士 野村和造
弁 護 士 羽柴 駿
弁 護 士 日隅一雄
弁 護 士 藤本美枝
弁 護 士 古本晴英
弁 護 士 水野英樹
弁 護 士 渡辺達生
札幌高等裁判所第3民事部 御中
1、 人種差別撤廃条約のもとでの「保護義務」の存在
(1) 憲法解釈における保護義務論の存在
(2) 人種差別撤廃条約において明白に存在する保護義務
2、 保護義務のもとでの裁量権の存在と限界
甲29 単行本「ジャパニーズ・オンリー」(明石書店)へのリンク
甲30 私の視点の朝日新聞記事へのリンク
甲31 棟居先生の意見書へのリンク
甲33ー1 カートハウス先生の意見書へのリンク
甲38 ニュースウィークジャパンの「差別国家ニッポン」へのリンク
甲39 「くつろぎトーク」信濃毎日新聞へのリンク
甲40 ワシントンポスト記事へのリンク
甲41 ジャパンタイムズ記事へのリンク
甲47 浜松宣言へのリンク
甲48ー1〜2 三沢市の排斥施設の案内へのリンク
甲49ー1〜2 北海道有珠郡大滝村の温泉「かわせみ」の件へのリンク
Related Links at Onsen Yunohana Appeal Site managed by Olaf
1. The court document submitted by our lawyer, Hideko Ito
2. Our submission of the futai kouso (counter suit)
3. Karthaus's court statement in Japanese
4. Karthaus's court statement in English
--Arudou Debito, Plaintiff, The Appeal Against Otaru City
Last June 3, the Sapporo High Court Third Civil Court Division held its first hearing
of the Otaru Racial Discrimination Lawsuit Appeal. Both 1) the Appeal against Otaru
City by Plaintiff Arudou Debito and 2) the Appeal against the three Plaintiffs by
Defendant Onsen Yunohana continue to the present day to be combined as one case for
For Appeal One above, Plaintiff Arudou Debito, and his Bengodan lawyers Higashizawa,
Nishimura, and Shiba-ike were present. Lawyer Itoh (Takamichi) for Defendant Otaru
City was present.
For Appeal Two above, Plaintiff Olaf Karthaus and his lawyer Itoh (Hideko), as well
as Yunohana's lawyer Komoda were present.
For Appeal One, representatives of Arudou presented the following motions: (submitted
as written evidence):
Preliminary Arguments 1: (visible in Japanese at http://www.debito.org/appealhearingtwo.html#junbi1 )
Crux is that Otaru City's ten years of letting racial discrimination continue unchecked
had effects both within and outside Hokkaido. Stated what other local governing bodies
across the country had done in the way of legislation to prevent racial discrimination
and protect human rights.
Preliminary Arguments 2: (visible in Japanese at http://www.debito.org/appealhearingtwo.html#junbi2)
Presented Opinion Statement from Professor Munesue (Seijou University Faculty of
Law, Constitutional Law). Appended arguments by Plaintiff about Otaru City's safeguarding
duties and problems with discretionary powers
Eleven more pieces (a couple of hundred pages) of evidence were presented (see list
in Japanese at http://www.debito.org/appealhearingtwo.html#mokuji).
Three opinion statements by Professor Munesue, Professor Matsumoto (Sapporo Gakuin
University, Faculty of Law, International Law), and Olaf Karthaus were also submitted.
In addition, Plaintiff Arudou read a prepared statement to the three judges in the
Court for about twenty minutes (see text in English at http://www.debito.org/otaruhearingtwo.html#chinjutsue).
In a well-reasoned piece, he discussed why he appealed, what problems were evident
in the previous Sapporo District Court decision, what the UN is saying about Japan's
approach to racial discrimination, what Otaru City is doing wrong, why negligence
towards discrimination is dangerous, and what he wanted the High Court to do.
Plaintiff Karthaus, re the Onsen Yunohana Appeal, gave a short statement of his own.
He made clear the background about his son's corresponding refusal at Onsen Yunohana,
his son's death, his anger at Yunohana's inability to show any self-reflection (hansei)
when appealing, and his intention to countersue for the original amount claimed during
the first suit filed in Sapporo District Court [NB: Plaintiffs originally sued for
2 million yen each: they were awarded 1 million. This was sufficient for Karthaus,
but Yunohana's appeal meant he would have to go through the process all over again,
which to him warranted more compensation for further mental anguish.]
The next hearing has been scheduled for November 6, at 10:30 AM.
I am of the impression that the judges listened well to Arudou's reading of the Court
Statement. The next hearing will feature counterarguments from Defendant Otaru City,
and we of course will want to rebut those again.
We also anticipate the fact that our calling more witnesses will continue the pressure
and tension on the Court, so we look forward to your continued assistance and support.
Issues raised (click to page down):
By Arudou Debito
Read aloud in Sapporo High Court, Sept 4, 2003, 10:30 AM
(Original: Japanese. Translation by Arudou Debito)
Background to the case at http://www.debito.org/otarulawsuit.html
My name is Arudou Debito, the one Plaintiff in the Otaru Lawsuit Appeal against Otaru
City. I thank you very much for this opportunity to address the Court, and wish to
answer questions the judges may have. For ease of understanding I will render this
in a Q&A format.
Because the decision handed down by the Sapporo District Court on November 11, 2002,
was not a legal precedent I could let stand. I will excerpt from the text of the
"The UN Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) states, 'Article 2 1. States Parties condemn racial discrimination and undertake to pursue by all appropriate means and without delay a policy of eliminating racial discrimination in all its forms and promoting understanding among all races, and, to this end: (d) Each State Party shall prohibit and bring to an end, by all appropriate means, including legislation as required by circumstances, racial discrimination by any persons, group or organization'; Defendant Otaru City, as it is a regional public organization playing a part in public administration, has the same duty as the national government to prohibit and bring an end to racial discrimination. However, this duty is no more than a political one, and concerning matters between individual citizens, this shall be interpreted to mean that the [city government] is under no clear and absolute (ichigiteki) obligation to prohibit or bring to an end concrete examples of racial discrimination by establishing local laws (jourei)."
There is an inherent contradiction in the above sentence. On one hand, the District
Court is acknowledging that the treaty exists, that in this case it is as binding
on the City of Otaru as it is on the National Government, and that the City has a
responsibility to eliminate racial discrimination. However, in the same breath, it
says, "There is no concrete responsibility." This contravenes the treaty.
It is explictly written within the latter that laws, when conditions warrant, are
necessary. That signposted "Japanese Only" discrimination existed in Otaru
from 1993 is a fact of the case. But since the City's actions did not in fact result
in the elimination of said discrimination, conditions therefore necessitated laws.
The District Court disagrees, yet refuses to explain exactly why conditions in Otaru
did not warrant legislation.
On a related note, the decision referred to something called "Rational Discrimination"
(gouriteki sabetsu). Left undefined, its application, necessary for future legal
precedents, was not discussed. As a concept, "Rational Discrimination"
has been dismissed by the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights Committee, Report Nov 1998 (CCPR/C/79/Add.102, see http://www.debito.org.CCPR1998.html)
"11. The Committee is concerned about the vagueness of the concept of 'reasonable
discrimination' [i.e. gouriteki sabetsu], which, in the absence of objective criteria,
is incompatible with article 26 of the Covenant. The Committee finds that the arguments
advanced by the State party in support of this concept are the same as had been advanced
during the consideration of the third periodic report, and which the Committee found
to be unacceptable."
It is incomprehensible why the Sapporo District Court would use legal logic which
has years ago been dismissed by the UN as bogus.
Anyway, let me just mention that it is impossible for "racial discrimination"
to fall into the category of "rational discrimination", whatever that means.
For example, one might say that a blind person not being allowed to become an airline
pilot is "rational discrimination". However, it is not possible for somebody
whose skin is too black to be disqualified from becoming a pilot, which makes racial
discrimination a different matter altogether.. Race is unconnected to a person's
qualifications, as well as to work ability and social treatment.
In any case, I do not believe the Sapporo District Court thought sufficiently through
the problems inherent in racial discrimination. Furthermore, our country uses legal
logic which essentially boils down to "the City has a responsibility but it
doesn't" in violation of the CERD. This is not something I can accept, which
is why I appealed.
Actually, no. The UN has kept an eye on decisions being handed down by the Japanese
judiciary, and has been highly critical. For example, The Committee on the Elimination
of Racial Discrimination (CERD A/56/18, see http://www.debito.org/japanvsun.html)
stated in its report on Japan in March 2001:
"167. The Committee notes with concern that although article 98 of the Constitution provides that treaties ratified by the State party are part of domestic law, the provisions of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination have rarely been referred to by national courts."
Yes, the Sapporo District Court decision did "refer" to the CERD this time,
but only to say "Otaru City does not have concrete responsibilities" under
it. Indubitably, if the Committee were to see this decision it would be equally critical.
This brings shame upon our country and international doubt on our sincerity.
Moreover, in the same UN report, it reads:
"168. The Committee is concerned that the only provision in the legislation of the State party relevant to the Convention is article 14 of the Constitution. Taking into account the fact that the Convention is not self-executing, the Committee believes it necessary to adopt specific legislation to outlaw racial discrimination, in particular in conformity with the provisions of articles 4 and 5 of the Convention."
I understand that this is a Japanese courtroom, not a lawmaking body. It cannot undertake
the process of making legislation. However, the High Court can still make a clear
statement saying at least, "The City of Otaru has the responsibility to take
legislative measures." You have the authority to force the City to follow international
treaty and the Japanese Constitution. That is what I want the High Court to clarify
in its future ruling.
The City government of Otaru from ten years ago allowed signs saying "No Foreigners
Allowed" to remain standing outside businesses, and allowed non-Japanese customers
to be refused service. On April 15, 2002, during the Eighth Hearing for this case
in the Sapporo District Court, the representative for Otaru City acknowledged on
the witness stand that the City knew this had been happening since 1993. The City
of Otaru's monthly newsletter "Kouhou Otaru" (No. 620, April, 2000) explicitly
stated, "refusing service to all foreigners is racial discrimination",
and that it was a bad thing. Nevertheless, the City of Otaru did not take effective
measures to bring this discrimination to an end. This is an unavoidable fact of the
case. In fact, what was effective was this very lawsuit. What occasioned Defendant
Yunohana Onsen to change its policy was word in the newspaper of our intention to
sue them; that very day they took their sign down. I think this is a clear sign of
Otaru City's ineffectuality.
In fact, it is not an exaggeration to say that Otaru City intentionally turned a
blind eye to this discrimination. Between 1993 and 1999, whenever a claim was brought
before the City by an excluded foreigner, the City did no more than advise them to
patronize a different bathhouse. When this problem finally surfaced in the Japanese
press from September 1999, and the public eye was on Otaru for a few months, the
City opened a few meetings to study this problem. But even then they refused to let
foreigners attend. The City would not sponsor a public forum to raise local awareness
of human rights, and repeatedly refused to even hold one. The City not only refused
to pass a local ordinance on human rights, it even refused to draft one. When one
was submitted to the City in January 2000, the City Assembly buried it in committee,
and voided it after 2003's elections. What's more, they didn't try to pass, or even
draft, a statement of opinion (ikensho) concerning the issue.
Truth be told, human rights ordinances at the local level are not unusual in our
country. There are already 742 of them at the city, town, and village level, and
16 prefectures have them. However, there are none anywhere in Hokkaido. There are
ordinances against the illegal dumping of garbage, with penalties such as fines or
imprisonment. Why are human rights held in less regard than garbage?
The City of Otaru could have turned a bad situation into a good one. It was the perfect
place to lead the way with Hokkaido's first human rights ordinance. Unfortunately,
it remains the path not taken.
Thanks to Otaru City's negligence, it has become the epicenter for signposted exclusionism
in Hokkaido and beyond. Following several years of signposting with no reprisal,
other bathhouse and other business sectors in other areas followed suit. They made
use of the legal loophole, where "exclusionary signs are unconstitutional, but
not illegal". So bathhouses, drinking and eating establishments, ramen shops,
barbers, and sports shops in Sapporo Susukino, Rumoi, Monbetsu, Wakkanai, Nemuro,
Usu-Gun Ohtaki-Mura, Aomori-ken Misawa City, Akita, Tokyo Shinbashi, Shinjuku, and
Ogikubo, Hamamatsu, Nagoya, and Naha all established clear policies refusing foreigners.
Of those, managers of Onsen "Yuransen" in Wakkanai and Bar "Globe"
in Misawa openly admit that they saw and copied what Otaru was doing.
Therefore, Otaru bears a heavy responsibility for what happened. It started the spread
of this kind of clear and present discrimination. Which goes to show you--if you
leave it alone, it doesn't go away. It only gets worse. If you study your world history,
you will find that this trend is by no means exceptional. That is why this case is
monumental in Japan.
The results of this case will show us Japan's future. There are already close to
2 million registered foreigners in Japan, representing about 1.5% of the population--a
record, and rising year on year. If you include foreigners on less than one-year
visas (including tourists, culture visas, temporary workers, and residents from developing
countries), the proportion rises to about five percent of the population. These people
are customers in Japan's stores, some are residents paying Japanese taxes and supporting
social systems. However, if they are refused entry to stores, unable to spend their
Japanese money and avail themselves of Japan's social services the same as any Japanese,
their standard of living will markedly decline. "No Coloreds." "Whites
Only." Societies (such as the USA and South Africa) which had segregated systems
have understood the social costs in terms of economics and humanism, and abolished
them. This is why the Convention on Racial Discrimination has 165 countries as signatory,
including all the developed countries. Elimination of Racial Discrimination is an
international standard in values. Which is why this lawsuit matters. Will Japan allow
this segregation in the form of "Japanese Only" signs stand? Will local
governments let them remain up and untouched? You, the judges, will decide.
Let me reiterate for emphasis that racial discrimination does not merely effect "foreigners".
According to the Ministry of Health and Welfare, recent years have demonstated a
jump in international marriages in Japan, between Japanese and non-. There are now
about 40,000 international marriages per annum in Japan--a leap of around 30% since
1999. If those families live in Japan and average about two children, you will eventually
have 80,000 new international children every year born here. In ten years, that will
be 800,000. However, these children will not show up in foreigner statistics because
they are not foreigners; they have Japanese citizenship and are Japanese. This is
Japan's true internationalization. However, even if they have citizenship, if their
looks are "unJapanese", they will be refused entry at these exclusionary
facilities. This has already happened at Defendant Onsen Yunohana, and cases around
Japan will and have been proliferating. Is it acceptible to select your customers
based solely on whether they look more like one of their parents? Is this something
our country can let stand? Myself included, there have been 300,000 people since
1965 who have taken the trouble to become naturalized Japanese; is it acceptible
for them to have their citizenship made meaningless simply due to their physical
appearance--something they can do nothing about? Is it acceptible for local governments
to take our taxes but have no responsibility to defend their citizens' human rights?
I think we should expect more from our governments than this.
The outcome of this case will determine our future in our country. What sort of treatment
by our society is acceptible, and what sort of civil rights should our local governments
provide? With Japan's unavoidable internationalization, the Sapporo High Court has
a great and serious power to decide our future and define our protections for human
rights. Your decision will determine the fate of millions of people.
Concisely, I want an environment where exclusionary signs and policies are withdrawn,
and one where they will never be needed again. For this, we need to make rules and
social manners clear, and to enforce them strictly. For this, rules in the form of
laws are essential. For this, the Sapporo High Court must clearly rule that "local
governments have the responsiblity to create legislative remedies".
One moral to be gained from the seven plus years of blindeye-ism of Otaru City is
that you cannot let this discrimination go untouched. It will only get worse. The
exclusionism found in Otaru has become merely the tip of the iceberg. With this ruling,
the High Court has a clear choice between taking a step towards eliminating racial
discrimination, or letting it slide.
I ask you, judges of the High court, to enforce our country's constitution, and UN
treaty, and have the City of Otaru take responsibility for its actions and inactions.
Statement for the Otaru Lawsuit
Olaf Karthaus
Last modified 25.8.2003
In Japan there are public places, such as bars and izakaya (Sapporo, Akita, Misawa,
Monbetsu, Okinawa), shops (Wakkanai, and formerly Shizuoka), barbers (Wakkanai),
sentos and onsen (Wakkanai, Mombetsu, Otakimura, Otaru), etc., which ban foreigners,
or foreign looking people from entry and service.
I was born and raised in Germany, and such a discriminatory policy and the response
to this of the Japanese government is unbelievable for me. To hear and experience
that there is such an open discrimination of which the officials in the police (in
Wakkanai) and government (in Otaru) know about and do nothing about was a big shock
for me. In Germany we had "do not buy from Jews" signs in the 1930s until
1945, and in the USA there were "whites only" and "coloreds only"
signs all over the country until the 1960ies. There was open discrimination in the
South African apartheid system in the past. How can it be that Japan, a civilized
country and the world's second big economy, has shops and businesses which provide
goods and service to the general population, that can openly display discriminatory
When I tell people in Germany about these signs they say that the shops displaying
such signs would be shunned at least. Nobody would like to go there and shop or use
their services. It might even be that shops with "Germans only", if they
would exists, would be damaged by protesters. The names of the owners or managers
of these places would possibly made public and would face severe criticism in public.
In a related note, in March 2003 Juergen Moellemann, a politician of the liberal
party in Germany, FDP, was forced to resign from his posts because he ordered the
printing of antisemitic leaflets. The public pressure, and the pressure in the party
rose steadily until he resigned.
Of course there are tensions and hate crimes against foreigners in Germany. A very
sad incident was the murder of a Turkish family in the town of Solingen several years
ago. Neo-Nazis set fire to their home and women and children died in the fire. As
sad as the murders were, it was very encouraging for me to see the outrage of the
German population. Demonstrations were held in many cities with millions of participants
to protest against hate crimes and in solidarity with the foreign population. Even
now, some 10 years after the murders, the incident is not forgotten. Seminars and
demonstration show that German people have learned from the cruel past. Germans have
the strong desire and conviction that such cruelties against minorities and foreigners
will not occur anymore.
When I was educated in Germany, a lot of time was used to teach about the Third Reich
and national-socialism. 12 year olds learn about the "Reichskistallnacht"
in 1938, when Jewish synagogues were burnt throughout Germany. At least half a year
is used in social science, ethics and history to educate 15 year olds about the Third
Reich and its consequences. A lot of time is also used to explain how the rise of
Hitler was possible in Germany. German schools put great effort into integrative
classes, where children of foreign residents are integrated into the German school
system and live and learn together with their German classmates. Thus as early as
kindergarten, kids have the opportunity to learn about foreigners, foreignness, and
The German law is clear in respect of basic human rights and their application to
foreigners, too. Foreigners in Germany enjoy the same freedom as German citizens
and are equally protected by German laws.
It is my strong opinion that a civilized country should do all it can to promote
the well-being of racial minorities and foreigners. Education in school, and furthermore
for adults, are necessary to raise awareness for the problems that foreigners face.
Intergation of foreigners into German society leads to a peaceful coexistence of
different people. Legislation gives the legal framework for the government and police
to act against discrimination.
メNo more war. No more disriminationモ is a slogan in Germany that was coined after
the Second World War. German society is on its way to a healthier society in this
repect. One of the cornerstones for this success was that problems are tackled at
an early stage. "Nip it in the bud", is the best way to stop escalation
and unlawfull actions. When legal actions against disrimination are taken as early
as possible, a powerful signal is sent to the discriminators that they will face
legal prosecution. Letting discrimination go unchallenged will only make things worse.
Once there is a pattern of discrimination established in the society, it is much
more difficult to turn the wheel back. We Germans made that experience in the past
during the Nazi regime. That the city of Otaru did nothing to stop discrimination
for nearly a decade, only made things worse, because discriminators were actually
encouraged to continue and expand their discriminatory practices, because they could
be sure that they would not be persecuted. Decisive legal actions are needed to prevent
foreigners and foreign looking people to face the humiliation of being discriminated
Why canユt Japan follow the German example, and create a society where discrimination
is nipped in the bud? Germany has learned from its painful past, that when problems
are not tackled in their beginning, the situation can escalate and become uncorrectable.